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RE: Happy Earth Day

in #earthday5 years ago

A beautiful post for Earth day, its time for us all to do our bit to help protect and preserve our planet without a doubt, some improvements have been made but we as a human race are still doing so much damage the planet and we all need to come to our senses, and the world leaders as well and changes are needed now or I fear what state the planet will e in for our grandchildren generation


Well, depending on how long the current Grand Solar Minimum endures, the human race may not last that long. When the current GSM ends, large parts of this planet are going to become completely uninhabitable very suddenly. We are in the endgame now, and well past the point of no return. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.

Let's hope not!

Thanks so much, JJ @tattoodjay

We all do need to do our bit and if everyone just did a small bit for Mother Earth, I cannot help but think it will help in some way.

I fear for my children and those generations that come after me. We are a race of taking what we need without worrying about the consequences, or at times, just pushing the problem off on another generation.

Shame on us.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Earth day!


Yes exactly, often people choose to do o thing because of the what difference can I make on my own Logic, but if we all do our little bit together it can be a massive effort and have a huge impact

Shame on Use indeed, but at least I think there is a slowly growing group of like minded people who re doing there little bit to hep and lets hope that keeps on growing and growing

Now let me see solely as a test of I setup my shortcut right

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Oh, yes!!! @tattoodjay

Your shortcut works perfectly!! Now you will have to show me how to do that! You know, so I can copycat you!

That's flattery! :)

I do think we have finally, finally gotten the message and time will tell how well we have put it into action. Most things, we probably won't be able to see in our lifetime, but, just like a tree or anything else like that, we don't do it for us, but, for down the road.

We need to stop being an instant gratification nation!

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@dswigle wrote lately about: Happy Earth Day Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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