Happy Earth Day! Celebrating Gaia Pachamama, as we should every day.

in #earthday6 years ago (edited)

May we all contribute our grain of sand to the healing of our dear planet space vehicle and blessed home. I love the environment but I’d be liying if I said I was perfect towards it.. I probably have a bigger footprint than most with all the flights I take. But let’s accept ourselves too and do just a little bit more to help. Lil things like quitting beef or using recycled toilet paper or turning off lights when not needed. I’ll keep on trying my best, I hope you do too and together we manifest a beautiful clean world for the following 7 generations and beyond. Aho. #earthday #savetheplanet #healtheworld #theenvironment #doyourpart #planetearth #latierra #painting

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I think you already do more for Earth's healing than you give yourself credit for dude.
The footprint as you called it is on shaky grounds as it is when it comes to the evidence, it may not be an open and shut case at all.
So move on, and paint on dude. We need you and your magic everywhere on Earth as long as the planes fly <3

Thanks man, that's super kind to say, and motivating!

Earthday is an opportunity for us to stop and remember our connection to our planet and all the beings upon and within it. This is my tribute:

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