in #earth6 years ago

So, you're seated there, probably texting a girlfriend, or watching television, do you ever ponder how blessed or lucky you are? To text or be a couch poatato in peace? Did you know that, contrary to some belief, Mother Earth is fighting for you? Have you ever wondered why, in the solar system, Earth is the most condusive for you to stay on? Here are a few heartwarming facts about how Earth is fighting for you.
Earth was designed with, or happened to have, some cool systems that help it defend aginst threats especially from the sun. Here are 3 defences the earth has.

  1. Magnetic field.
    Earth has a really strong magnetic field all around it that goes out for thousands and thousands of miles. The magnetic field is created by the boiling lava at the center of Earth which rotates rapidly. This lava has alot of metal material and its rapid rotation creayea a strong magnetic field around earth. This magnetic field deflects debris in space and particles and flares from the sun which would anihilate us. Mars, which does not boast of such a magnetic field was scorched by these flares. You can always catch the magnetic field in action as it manifests itself as the beautiful colourful Nothern and Southern lights.
  2. Ozone layer.
    The Ozone layer is a thin sheet made of oxygen parricles that helps to soak up the dangerous effects of UV radiation from the sun. Without the Ozone layer, our skins would melt off our bones. However, the layer is delicate and easily damaged by carbondioxide. Venus, which has a high concentration of carbondioxide has also been burned to barrenness.
  3. Water.
    Yes, water is a defence mechanism the earth uses to protect itself. The heat of the sun evaporates the carbondioxide which is then collected by clouds (another unique attribute of earth) and rain is formed which also helps to cool down the surface and prevent earth from becoming one big desert. Water is also the single most import element of earth's ecosyatem. It sustains every single plant and animal on here.
    So, take time to be thankful for earth, which seems uniquely suited for you. Also protect and take care of it. Reduce emission of harmful gasses like carbondioxide since these harm the ozone layer and remember to drink alot of water.

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