The perspective of a Rainbow tribe Medicine Woman - Giants

in #earth7 years ago (edited)

"The perspective of Native Americans in regard to Mother Earth spirituality holds great potential for the environmental movement as it emerges as a world political and social issue. The cause of the environment is a song of love, and the 'Indians' have drummed its rhythm. Just as the Indians have given us a Mother Earth spirituality, so too they have given us the concept of a worthy warrior who has the qualities to fight for what she or he holds sacred." 1 This statement is the opening of a speech made by John Hartke, Earth Day 1990. How far have we come or how low did we go in the last three decades?

Imagine a time when 70 foot tall giants roamed the Earth and many of the land formations we see today were the trunks of the once mile high trees. Imagine what dwellings might have been built by these beings and then take a look at some of the archaeology finds which show steps that are ten foot high. Hmm, if our human steps are about one foot high then ten foot high steps might be needed for seventy foot tall giants.

Think about all of the words the English language has developed to describe words - letters, alphabets, adjectives, nouns, capitals, cursive and hundreds of font types. When it comes to important things the English language seems wholly inadequate. Describing people is difficult and almost appears as designed to create frictions, tensions, divisions, separations - human. Man, representing fifty or so percent of the species. What about insects. Every slight variation can gain a recognition as a new species. There are currently recognized perhaps 250 different types of fireflies. And, each one has its own scientific name. Some may not have originated on earth.

It is only since flight has become available to Earth humans in modern times that we are able to see some great wonders and photograph things like the Nazca lines said to have been created around 500 BCE and first mentioned in writings of Pedro Cieza de León 1553, first photographed in 1940 by Paul Kosok. There are many formations which are photographed and appear to have features of giants. We have some bones from various bi-pedal earth beings given names like neanderthal and of course we have the great apes but still a very limited vocabulary for describing the wide range of giants described in the histories of the indigenous people from around the world. If a farmer were to hit a large hard object in the earth that might be the femur of a seventy foot tall giant what is the likelihood that he or she would recognize this object as a bone? The Nazca lines are on the surface, there are hundreds of them and they have been studied for nearly 80 years now. Long dead giants of seventy foot stature might be just a bit more elusive.

It is likely that the Earth is not the best location for heavy, tall beings with our gravity and perhaps there have only been giants of thirty foot or 15 foot height. The purpose of this journey through the imagination is what if? What if there are giants of this great stature and they are returning? They had the tools and technology to build the great structures that are being described as lost cities seen underneath the ocean off the coast of Japan and in the area of the Bermuda triangle and others on land where great steps appear as part of the structures such as those of the Ain Dara temple. Then they left earth to travel the solar system and build other great temples and leave their footprints and a legacy of possibility and wonder on other planets and stars.


These footprints measure more than one meter in length

What if they are on their way back, nearly here. At the gate, so to speak. What is our government, the world's governments doing to prepare for visitors? I heard yesterday that the democrats and republicans of the US have come together to request mega millions, perhaps billions for more space wars technology. Obviously there is no such thing as aliens, EBENS, ETs or demons. Just as there are no biowarfare, agenda21, HAARP, scaler, sonar, nanodust, nanobots, chemtrail poisons or vaccines being used to make us sick. Ebola is a virus and not a side effect of rozol poisoning. The CIA isn't part of CERN and there is no Secret Space Program and no one lives in inner earth, on Mars or on the moon, moons of Mars or moons of Saturn. No one is being abducted by aliens and enslaved and aliens are certainly not being enslaved and used in secret programs.


Should the Emerald Guardians, protectors of the earth decide that enough is enough and our powers that be find themselves rather limited on the technology side of things then how would you think the giants returning to earth might view our progress. An ocean dying from radiation, plastics, human waste and research chemicals, fracking water and oil spills. Surface land not doing to much better. Weird bacteria-like artificial light harvesting glowing matter which can be seen from space, moving black goo coinciding with the silent superbug aka fiber disease affecting tens upon tens of thousands of people. Where would you start when going about cleaning up this mess?

If we greet them respectfully when they arrive they might have a slightly more caring attitude towards our worth as a species. At this time we are so arrogant that we believe we are the intelligent species but I have to wonder if the giants might not side with the whales.
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1.Mother Earth Spirituality [Introduction, John Hartke, Earth Day 1990] Ed McGaa 'Eagle Man'

About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically.Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website:

'Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman'
Sandra is a life-long Experiencer of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state.

She has written two books on autism:
The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery
Autism, the Way Forward

Her most recent book has just been published as an e-book:
The Kingmakers
Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun

Meet the Ancients came about as a result of my life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - my Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth.

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