I don't think you should see it...

in #earth7 years ago (edited)

Mt Foraker to Fairbanks....



Plugging in...


So for the horizon....

If at 35,000 ft we do not appear to adjust our vision downward, it is highly unlikely that we do so at 1000 ft.

So if the horizon appears to rise to eye level, and we do not constantly adjust our vision downward with increasing elevation.....

...I don't think we should see Mt Foraker or Denali from Fairbanks on our ball, because they are lost behind 20.9k ft of curvature ...

The earth is stationary and unmoving. See this previous post on the 'ether':

The Bible states the earth is stationary, I do not believe other interpretations can be justified.

Alchemy IS modern science, it is just more subtle. You'll find it in TV, movies, awards shows, sporting events, politics, and religion. It is the. transcendence of Man As God, the Philosophers stone, lead to gold, old age to new, our 'Aeon of Horus' or 'Age of Aquarius.' It is Babylonian religious belief, shrouded and obscured, but alive and well. It is mystery Babylon.

Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes/Thoth) is held in high regard by Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler. Worship of Helios is a real thing in the occult, and most all prominent scientists were alchemists. 4 languages are atop the Georgia Guidestones for a reason...

Tammuz (Babylon) is Horus (Egypt) is Ganesh (Sanskrit) is Apollo (Greek)....and they are Helios, the 6th Sephira

They worship their visible god.

We do not....

Comments welcome. God bless.


Some more sun worship from H.P. Blavatsky, “Isis Unveiled”

“Far from us be the thought of the slightest irreverence--let alone blasphemy--toward the Divine Power which called into being all things, visible and invisible. Of its majesty and boundless perfection we dare not even think. It is enough for us to know that It exists and that It is all wise. Enough that in common with our fellow creatures we possess a spark of Its essence. The supreme power whom we revere is the boundless and endless one--the grand "CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN" by whose attributes and the visible effects of whose inaudible WILL we are surrounded--the God of the ancient and the God of modern seers. His nature can be studied only in the worlds called forth by his mighty FIAT. His revelation is traced with his own finger in imperishable figures of universal harmony upon the face of the Cosmos. It is the only INFALLIBLE gospel we recognize.”