
STOP your comment spam.
Otherwise there will not be just three flags.

If you write comments relate them to the post.
Here you can read about further information to comment spam.

dear @naturicia, this is first time im downvoted from you. i wrote it myself and image is from pixabay which is royaltyfree. and lastly, i shrink the link from bitly. i read your abuse-guide as well. But still I could not understand how my post is abusive? please guide me so i will not do that mistake again.

It is not about the post. This should be a sign to you that you have to stop your comment spam right now.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-24 um 23.34.15.png

This is my problem. Stop your spam and we are done.

ok im sorry

I will have a look onto your account for the next days.
If there is no spam anymore it is alright. Otherwise I will come back.

no prob sir, thanks for serving steemit.

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