E3 2018

in #e320186 years ago

E3 has come again this year and I'm going to go over Nintendo's event as usual. They are the only company waorth talking about, actually no, there was some cool stuff at the other events. So I guess I'll breeze through the highlights.

Microsoft showed off a cool trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3 showing off Frozen and Tangled. There was also a trailer for a new Shonen Jamp game, Jump Force. We've only seen characters from DragonBall, One Piece, and Naruto. I hope they have characters from My Hero Academia! That's a Shonen manga, isn't it? Wait, so how long do I have to wait to see in the end if Midoriya and Uraraka get together or not?
Microsoft is also bringing back the BattleToads! That's a scary game, isn't it?;D

Ubisoft had a couple cool things. Donkey Kong DLC for Mario+Rabbids. And in this game called StarLight, I think, also has Star Fox characters in the Nintendo Switch version and it looks cool! It's funny how Ubisoft can seem to make a better Star Fox game than Nintendo!lol
Sadly, no Rayman announcement..

Sony was kind of a train wreck this year imo. So many instrument solos, I couldn't tell if this was a game conference or band practice. To make matters worse, their stream actually cut out a couple times! It wasn't just the stream I was watching.

Now on to the real meat, Nintendo! To get the elephant in the room first, they reveiled Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Switch. It's doesn't seem to be a port of Smash for Wii U like everyone was expecting. To start off, EVERY character is back! Snake, Wolf, Young Link, and even Pichu is back! Charizard is also reunited with Red, Squirtle and Ivysaur! I remember back when Smash 4 was coming out I was talking about how I wanted Pokemon Trainer to return, and some bitch comes along and tells me it wouldn't happen and called me a genwunner. It feels so good to prove someone wrong. This time, you can choose to be Red or Leaf. I kinda wish they made his alt Blue, your rival. Leaf doesn't exist in the games canon.
I absolutely LOVE what they did with the designs for the Zelda characters! Link now sports his Champion Tunic from Breath of the Wild, which I'm not really a big fan of. BUT one of his alts is the classic, green Tunic of the Wild! My voice cracked when I saw that and the Pokemon Trainer!XD I was expecting Link to have his classic tunic as one of his alts. But the Tunic of the Wild!? You know what you have to do to unlock that in BotW!?
Zelda now sports a more classic look from A Link between World which really surprised me! Hope she's actually been buffed and is good now.
Ganondorf is back in his Ocarina of Time design which is super cool. But the best part is that HE ACTUALLY ATTACKS WITH HIS SWORD NOW!

Most of the final smashes have also been changed. They're more cinematic and don't require as much input. For example, you cannot play as Giga Bowser like a regular character. Instead, he goes into the background and a reticle appears where you strike one punch into the foreground. Donkey Kong actually has a good final smash now. He goes and pummels the crap out of you Kenshiro style. Fox, Falco and Wolf now use their Arwings. King Dedede slams you into his boxing ring where he smashes you as Masked Dedede.

Now for new characters! We already know the Inklings from Splatoon were gonna be in. But now we have Princess Daisy as a clone of Peach! They're called 'Echo Fighers', but we know them as clones.
But probably the biggest reveal(so to speak) is that Ridley from Metroid is now playable! People have argued in the past that Ridley is too big to be in Smash. But if you've played the original Metroid on NES, you'll know that he was about as big as Samus in that game. He looks super powerful and fun to play!

I'd say half their E3 was dedicated to Smash Bros. Other than that, we really didn't get much. We got Xenoblade 2 DLC, Fire Emblem Switch, Fortnite on Switch, and a few arcade ports. No mention of other games like Yoshi, Bayonetta 3 or Metroid Prime 4. That surprised me and left me confused. Smash is a hard hitter, but you need more than that.

In my opinion though, the biggest disappointment was that we got no confirmation for Spyro Reignited Trilogy on Switch. I'm still rather depressed about this as I'm typing. We've got the Crash trilogy coming to Switch so I have no idea why they'd leave out Spyro. It can't be a timed exclusive like Crash was on PS4. Spyro is coming to both PS4 and XBONE. I don't think it's beacuse the Switch isn't powerful enough. Maybe they're keeping something from us? Like maybe an exclusive amiibo or a place in Smash Bros.? There were a few rumors about that. That'd better be the reason because I'm tired of waiting. 
the classic Spyro trilogy, specifically Year of the Dragon holds a special place in my heart. The Switch is also a really cool system. So having Spyro on it would be paradise for me! So it breaks me apart that it's not on there..

But overall, this E3 wasn't the best. However, I don't think it was the worst either. People are so quick to judge something as the WORST..


Oh saaaweeeet

Super smash bros sounds pretty cool, thanks for the heads up!


Ridley was the big surprise. I always figured he'd be too large physically to fit into the stages.

Overall, who do you think had the best show? Personally, I think Microsoft had the most enthusiastic crowd for the entire duration of the conference, but Bethesda had the most hype going into it. Squandered most of that hype with Rage 2, though...

Well, I'm probably obligated to say Nintendo since I'm biased.:P Smash was a HUGE hit, but if you cut that out the conference was kinda lackluster.
Microsoft did have some good stuff, though! Idk, I don't think any of the companies had that great a show imo.

It was a rather bland E3, though Metal Wolf Chaos is finally getting a US release. Get HYPE!

See I was thinking the same thing about Ridley it's kind of hard to choose I kind of want games from all 3 LOL

Smash looks awesome! Also Death Stranding and Last of Us 2 brought a smile to my face.

I really like your post when I was reading it I was getting really hyped about Smash Brothers and you right about E3 had a couple big hits but it wasn't as bad as people say but this article you wrote is great

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