Proposal to use steemit as my e-commerce site for CAD and Blender TutorialssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #e-commerce8 years ago


This community is full of talented people in areas like writing, art, programming, blockchain, marketing, .... and many more.
For a while now I played with the idea to create a personal website where I offer detailed Blender or CAD tutorials for Steem.

Today I realised that I don't need to spend time and money on creating an e-commerce site since everything I plan to do can be done on Steemit itself!

Use steemit for your digital e-commerce and get post rewards and "donations" as payment.

Advantages to use Steemit for your digital e-commerce.

  1. No need to create and maintain an own website. Steemit has all the features you need.
  2. No payment integration (steem) needed. Get payed with post rewards AND donations directly on
  3. If we have multiple people who will do the same an internal market (e.g. udemy, lynda, pluralsight) could be created directly on
  4. The additional steem exchange using donations will increases the transaction volume even more.
  5. More exposure for Steemit and Steem since we likely attract users who didn't use steemit before to watch tutorials they like on steemit.

Overall I am very excited about the idea and in fact started already on a detailed Blender Tutorial that will show how to create realistic fire and smoke.


Please let me know what you think of the idea, I have created a SteemPoll for voting on on this as well.


Cool idea. I hope it works. Blender is my favorite tool. I believe it is the most powerful story telling tool available. I have been using it for a few years and consider myself pretty proficient, yet I learn something every single time I watch some else to a tut.

I really hope to see LBRY get to a point that we can integrate video from that platform on here. THEN, we would have a game changer.

Yes Blender is awesome. I am really stunned about the capabilities of this tool. I assume you saw already the trailer of the new movie Blender Foundation is working on "Agent 327". Amazing that you can do something like this with a tool that is completely free. I would like to see Blender tutorials from you as well!

I am a Blender Cloud subscriber and saw a couple of their renders. Best I've seen. Really amazing work.

I have always wanted to do something about work flow in particular. I feel I have gotten a nice flow for my everyday video editing which took a fair bit of time to get happy with, but have put it off for more writing or, well, anything else.

"One of these days." lol

I play around with Blender so would be interested in learning more than just the basics i use now.
The more diverse things we get people posting on steemit the better for getting more users over here.

Thank you, I agree with you. Steemit is the perfect platform not only for blogging but also to share tutorials and get payed for those directly on steemit. If we have various artists, designers, writes, ... sharing their knowledge than this will indeed attract more people from the outside.

I hope you will like the fire and smoke tutorial coming soon.

I've followed you so hopefull I'll find it.

I'm thinking about it too, and I hope there will be an app to let use SteemDollars and Steem easily to buy/sell things. Of course you can do it directly on Steemit but it could help a lot if: 1) we have a page just for that market; 2) there is a feature in the platform to manage the trades.

For the interim it might work to use a tag like tutorials or something like that so users can easily browse to all related content. Im sure this can be further defined with future updates to steemit.

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