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RE: "Welcome to the Machine" - 'The Circle' Comes of Age: Surveillance and the Smart Grid

in #dystopia7 years ago

What an excellent and powerful article man!

We are brothers in spirit for sure and it is a pleasure to meet people like you who ring the alarm bells in such a forceful yet accessible way while we still can.

One has got to be AMAZED at the level of general stubborness when it comes to not noticing anything - let alone questioning the fundamentals. Not sure how you see it, but despite my constant warning of my fellow men, I do not believe any longer that all humans will get it in time. Or that they should. Guess it all comes down to individual cosmology and what one holds the universe to be. On stage however it seems we really are nearing the end of the old chapter.

As unpopular as it may sound, I think we are heading into some sort of two tier society - the ones inside the structure having bound themselves into the legal fiction by consent and unwillingness to question established narratives (be it 'poor' people watching TV or 'highly paid politicians' doing the machine's dirty PR work - they are in the same boat if you ask me). And the ones who dare to see beyond their culture's own artificial restrictions and arbitrary limitations of inhumane curtailing of life, finding a way out of the narratives that seem to bind us - if only by connecting to one another, telling each other about possible ways out of the illusiory prison.

I will greatly enjoy digging through more of your work. Keep it up man, you know the world needs it and all we can do is offering these bits of insights to our human brothers and sisters, even if they spit back at us before they finally see what we meant.

much love man!


Thank you for the positive response. It does appear as if we have a rather similar perspective. No doubt a majority of the population is too comfortable in their chains and too fearful of consequence to say anything critical of the status quo. As such they are the proverbial frog in the pot. The tragedy of this is that those who try to shake them out of their fugue state of obedience with facts appealing to their rational self-interest are viewed as troublemakers and fear-mongers.

We already are in a two-tier society. Those who are willing to see despite the discomfort and those who are willingly blind for the sake of a false sense of security and convenience. This state of affairs will only be exacerbated as the coercive collectivists operating the control grid starts to turn the thumbscrews. Ultimately, on the current trajectory, it is not hard to imagine severe civil strife. I am very curious if those first subjected to the total control grid will react. It won't be pretty, regardless of if it is capitulation or defiance, for both will bring out the worst in those involved.

Human beings do not react well to captivity, regardless of how spacious the cage.

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