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RE: SEC S19W5 || Website Interactivity with JavaScript

Thank you @hudamalik20 for publishing an article using dynamicdevs-s19w5 tag . We have accessed your article and we present the result of the assessment below.

Criteria Remark
Verified user
Free of Plagiarism
AI Article ✅ Original (Human text!)
#Club club5050
Bot free


  • You’ve demonstrated a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Your approach to learning JavaScript and integrating it into the project is commendable. The way you segmented the webpage into different zones, each with a specific function and style, shows careful planning and execution.

  • The details you provided about each zone—from the header to the footer—illustrate a clear grasp of web design principles. You followed the contest's requirements meticulously, which is evident in your descriptions of the CSS styling and HTML structure. Your attention to the aesthetics and functionality of each element adds value to your submission.

  • Your explanation of how each page functions and interacts with others through anchor tags is well-articulated. The effort put into ensuring smooth navigation and functionality, such as the prime factorization calculations and the identification page setup, highlights your skill in creating a user-friendly interface.

  • It’s great to see that you embraced the challenges, especially with JavaScript, and used them as learning opportunities. Your iterative process of testing and fine-tuning the JavaScript code until successful is a good practice that likely enhanced your coding skills.

  • Including a video of the final output on YouTube is a smart way to showcase your project dynamically. This not only provides a real-time view of the functionality but also engages the audience more effectively.

Overall, your submission is impressive and reflects both your dedication to learning and your ability to apply new skills effectively. Keep up the excellent work, and continue exploring more advanced aspects of web development!

Total| 9/10


Thank you so much sir for taking review of my post 🤗💞🌸.

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