[07/21/2018] DxChain Telegram AMA Summary

in #dxchain6 years ago

Dear DxChain Community Members,

DxChain’s first official AMA (Ask Me Anything) was held in our Telegram groups. Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm!

You can check the message from this link here if you missed out our first AMA https://t.me/dxchain/86677

[AMA Awards Winners]

We selected 5 supporters who asked great questions during the AMA: D Brah, Evgeni Mikheev, Mhshl, Panger and 中本韭菜.

Congrats to them for getting 5,000 community points award!!


Our KYC is on live! And it’s only 2 days left.
Two more whitelist tasks are available for you to earn a higher score, and to reach a higher personal hard cap.

Please stay tuned for more updates at our channel: https://t.me/dxchainchannel

[Highlights of the AMA]

Part One - Tech Problems

1. Q: How possible could you run Hadoop over blockchain? The performance must be very very slow for a large p2p network...
A: We are not “running” Hadoop over blockchain. In fact, DxChain uses the map-reduce concept of Hadoop to design our blockchain infrastructure, so DxChain is the decentralized Hadoop.
A pipeline of data analysis consists of: data collection, data cleaning, data analysis and reporting. Among all these four steps, data analysis might take the least time.
For a pure data analysis step, DxChain is about 2-3 times slower than Hadoop. However, if we put it on the whole pipeline, DxChain is faster than Hadoop since DxChain could collect data.

2. Q: What are DxChain’s vision and benefit to the people of the world? Will you wish to build a worldwide supercomputer?
A: We would like to change the game of the present big data services.
It will be the DxChain community, partners, as well as all the DxChain Dapp developers, who are able to determine the future of the Internet. But the team believe that to fully realize the Internet of Value, we must bring big data onto the blockchain. Thus, Dxchain will be the first step to realize this dream.

3. Q: Has DxChain ever considered building an ecosystem?
A: For sure. DX token provides economic incentives and will be consumed to encourage participants to contribute and maintain the ecosystem on the DxChain Network.
In DxChain’s ecosystem, miners can maximize the utilization of unused storage resources, and facilitate decentralized big data computation with lower cost.

Part Two - Project Problems

1. Q: Where do you hope to be in 5 years with the DxChain project?
A: In the next 5 years, we plan to create a large ecosystem which is built on big data and data computing. In one word, we will be the decentralized Hadoop over blockchain.

2. Q: Who are the potential clients for DxChain?
A: We have a lot of potential applications, such as healthcare, data management, IoT and etc.

3. Q: Will you be competing against Amazon mechanical turk? Or do you see them as more of a partner?
A: Amazon as a traditional cloud service provider and DxChain will co-exist for a long time, both as competitors and partners.

4. Q: How does DxChain compete with traditional Cloud service providers?
A: DxChain and traditional cloud service will co-exist since these two platforms solve different problems. DxChain is a blockchain project, and it will be focus on decentralization and immutability properties of the project.

With regards to DxChain:
A Decentralized Big Data and Machine Learning Network Powered by a Computing-Centric Blockchain.
Website: https://www.dxchain.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/dxchain
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DxChainNetwork

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