Dutroux 360 - Part II - Cercle de Lorraine, IRSA, and Unaccompanied Minors

in #dutroux7 years ago

In Part I, we revisited some of the gruesome details of Dutroux Scandal and linked members of the ICMEC to the Belgian Business Club, Le Cercle de Lorraine and also to several missing children's organizations.

Dutroux 360 - Le Cercle de Lorraine

The Banker Baron

Baron Daniel Cardon de Lichtbuer (Cardon) plays a central role in connecting the Dutroux case to the ICMEC, Child Focus, Missing Children Europe, the Belgian Kid's Fund and Kid's Care. Cardon is a founding member of the ICMEC and Le Cercel de Lorraine business club. Brothers Maurice and Leopold Lippens are also named by witnesses in the 'x-dossier' (x-files) as being sadistic pedophiles who are also prominent members of _ Le Cercle de Lorraine_. In this post we will see that there are even more connections than at first glance.

List of Child Charities associated with Cardon

  • ICMEC - First president
  • Child Focus - Belgian version of ICMEC - Founder and CEO
  • Missing Children Europe -
  • Foundazion Child (Italy) - Board member
  • Belgian Kid's Fund - Support Committee
  • Kid's Care - Support Committee
  • IRSA - Institute Royale pour Sourds et Aveugles (Roya Institute for the Deaf and Blind) - Honorary Board

IRSA - and le Chateau l' Orangerai

Sometime during the Dutroux Scandal, Baron Cardon was an honorary board member of the IRSA and along with fellow Cercle de Lorraine member Etienne Davignon, purchased the castle located on the same property in Uccle, Belgium a few minutes south of Brussels.

The is perhaps an important clue as many of the allegations made by the witnesses involved rape, abuse and the murder of young boys and girls at various castles and chateaux around Belgium and countries along its borders.


orangeraie belgium.jpg

The Baron Cardon purchased the le Chateau l'Orangeraie and then gave responsibility and control of the newly acquired castle to Etienne Davignon. Today, affluent people can rent the castle for a night or weekend for private functions. Rooms are able to easily accommodate 100-300 guests.

Just the fact that Cardon is linked to a number of alleged high profile pedophiles makes this a very uncomfortable situation. The IRSA schools some of the most vulnerable children in modern societies, those that are deaf, mute and blind. On top of that we know from the Dutroux 'x-files' that a significant amount of abuses occurred at castles including 'child hunting' parties.

Investigator  CIA  Pope John Paul II  Bush Sr.   Jr.  Bill Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice   NewsInsideOut(9).png

Source: News Inside Out

IRSA   Château de l Orangeraie.png

The IRSA and le Chateau de l'Orangerai are located a short distance drive from Brussels.

Cercle de Lorraine to Irsa   Institut Royal Pour Sourds Et Aveugles   Google Maps.png

Irsa   Institut Royal Pour Sourds Et Aveugles   Google Maps(2).png

IRSA Partners

A long list of sponsors are listed on the IRSA's partner page and some of them instantly raise eyebrows.

IRSA   Partenaires et Sponsors(1).png

It turns out that the IRSA is sponsored by the Fondation Lippens, yes the notorious Lippens brothers. If you follow the link provided you are redirected to the Roi Baudoin website. Baudoin was king of the Belgians from 1951-1993.


King Baudoin Foundation

Entering a quick search for the Lippens Foundation we get only two hits, but one is very interesting.

Virtual Library Result EN   King Baudouin Foundation.png

In cooperation with Child Focus (Baron Cardon), the Lippens Foundation, the Federal Judicial Police and the Baudoin Foundation has produced a study pertaining to the flow of 'Unaccompanied Minors Traveling Alone' and focused on traffic at Brussels in particular.

PDF - Unaccompanied Minors Traveling Alone
Lippens DOc unaccompanied minors.png

Group Bruxelles Lambert


http   glb.be jml4 .png

The Bruxelles Lambert = Grand Lodge of Belgium = Free Masons

'Lambert' is the name of the bank where Baron Cardon worked for decades: Bank Brussels Lambert

More to Come...



Thanks for continuing this report. I look forward to the next installation.

Argh, i am only a second generation american because my grandpa came from Alsace Lorraine. According to my mom and aunts, he was a sadistic mofo. The other side of my family were slave owning farmers. Good thing i hold little to no stock in generational guilt (although generational trauma is a real thing, suffered by Native Americans and more.)

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