Wandering around English villages 逛逛英國海邊小村莊

in #dunster6 years ago (edited)


Porlock Weir is a quintessential seaside village in the South west of England. In my previous post I shared how I spent a memorable birthday weekend there a few years ago. Memorable, though probably not for the reason I would have like to remember. You can check out my post if you want to see what I mean.
Porlock Weir 是英國西南部一個傳統的海邊小村莊。 我在上次的帖子裏有提過幾年前生日在那裏渡過一個週末。

The next morning when I woke up, this was the view that welcomed me from the outside. What a great way to start the day!

After breakfast I wandered outside to explore the surroundings. This area of Porlock Weir is part of the Porlock Manor Estate and has been in the same family since 1686.
吃過早餐後我到外面逛逛。 Porlock Weir 是私人擁有的社區,自1686年已由同一家族擁有。

The estate includes the harbour, the surrounding restaurants, hotels and shops, and many stone cottages around the harbour, all creating a picturesque harbour view which attracts many visitors all year round. A lot of the woodland where I had my unfortunate mishap in my previous post also belongs to the Estate. I'm not sure exactly how big the whole estate is, but it includes a 6.7km scenic road and woodland that is big enough for me to walk around for over an hour. I guess that means its pretty big!
社區範圍包括碼頭附近的餐廳,旅館,商店及不少傳統石建的房子。 遙望這個岸邊風景十分漂亮,每年不知吸引多少遊客到這裏。 社區還包括一條6.7km,圍繞附近不少森林園地的馬路。

April in England was still a bit chilly, but that didn't damped my mood to wander around on my birthday weekend. Today the harbour is used by both leisure fishboats and small fishing vessels, though it was pretty quiet when I was there. The pebble beach extended quite far out, and provided a very refreshing walk.
英國的四月天還帶有一點寒意,但這不影響我在這裏度過的週末。 從碼頭往外走,有一片長長的石灘。當天沒甚麼其他遊客,在這裏散步非常舒服。


Later on in the morning, we drove to Dunster which was about 13km away. Dunster is a medieval village that dates back to the Bronze and Iron ages in Britain. Walking through the village past these beautiful thatched cottages definitely makes you feel you're not in the modern day world.
之後我開車到附近的Dunster小村莊。它自遠古時代已有人在這裏居住的痕跡,而到中世紀時代已發展成一條小村莊。 村裏有不少傳統的乾草屋頂房子, 在街上走真彷如回到古時代。

Today, Dunster Village revolves around the Yarn Market and Dunster Castle. In the old days, and we're talking about back in 16th and 17th century, Dunster was thriving as wool trade center and trading was carried out in the open air on the streets. Then they built the Yarn Market so the products could be protected from the unpredictable British weather in the 17th century (yes, our weather has always been like that). The octagonal building is built almost entirely out of timber with a slate open roof, and is now a protected building. Dunster Castle on the other hand, which is in the background of the photo was built even earlier in the 11th century. Next time I'm going to take you around Dunster Castle. Stay tuned!
今天的 Dunster 以市集涼亭及 Dunster城堡為中心點。 在16, 17世紀時,Dunster已是一個主要的羊毛交易市集。 但由於英國不穩定的氣候,在17世紀時,村裏建造這座八角形木建造的涼亭,為方便貨物在下雨天時不會被弄濕。而照片中背景的 Dunster城堡更早於十一世紀已存在。 下次我將會帶大家參觀城堡裡面。


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Such a beautiful place, wow! And incredible pictures :)

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There is no place like Great Britain. I miss it alot. Thanks for sharing your great photos.

You're welcome!!

You look nice with longer hair - I think I told you that before 😆

Thanks !!! Those were the days when I was younger...

Ooo somewhere ive never been in the UK

Quite a lot to explore in my neck of the woods.

Heya, just swinging by to let you know you're being featured in our Daily Travel Digest!

Beautiful landscape and villages! I love the taw roofs! I liked your photos; the second one is stunning!

Thanks a lot, it was a lovely time to go, nice and quiet

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