Tsunami aceh 26 December 2004

in #dunia7 years ago

Earthquake December 26 2004 in Southeast Asia, the largest within the last 40 years and fifth largest since 1900, recorded 9 on a scale of magnitude. the earthquake along with the tsunami that occurred after cause disaster killed more than 220.000 people. fault area of 1.000 square kilometers that appears as a result the movement of a number plates below the surface of the Earth and energy giant caused by the chunk of land giant the move, combined with energy giant that occur in the Ocean to form the tsunami waves. tsunami that hit the countries Southeast Asia as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Maldives and Seychelles, and even the Coast of Africa as Somalia, located as far as the approximately 5.000 kilometers. the term "tsunami," which is in Japanese means wave Port, to be part of the world languages tsunami giant Meiji on 15 June 1896 that hit Japan and the led to 21.000 the loss of life. to understand the tsunami, it is important to be able to distinguish it from the movement of the tidal and wave ordinary caused by the wind. wind blowing above sea level cause current limited to a layer of the top of the sea to bring up the waves a relatively small. for example; divers with tube air can easily diving down and the reach layer calm water. Ocean waves may be able to reach as high as 30 meters or more of the event violent storm, but this does not lead to the movement of water in a depth. in addition, the speed Ocean waves ordinary caused the wind is not more than 20 km / hours. contrast, the tsunami waves can move on speed 750-800 km / hours. wave tidal move in the Earth's surface twice in time span one day and, as well as the tsunami, it can cause current reach the depth of up to the base Ocean. However, unlike the wave tidal, cause of the tsunami waves is not a gravity and months. tsunami is Ocean waves berperiode long-established as a result the energy spread to the sea of earthquake, volcanic eruption and the collapse of layers of the Earth's crust caused natural disasters the Ocean or at the base of the sea, events involving the movement of the Earth's crust like shift plate at the base of the sea, or the impact of the collision meteor. when the ground floor Ocean move with high speed, the whole load sea water on it affected. what's going on the ground floor Ocean can be seen influence in the sea level, and a whole load sea, the up to a depth of 5.000 - 6.000 meters, moving along in the form of the wave. one set of Hills and valleys waves can include the region of up to an area of 10.000 square kilometers. tsunami not have an impact on the Ocean off in the high seas tsunami is not the form of the Wall of water as imaginable most people, but generally is a wave berketinggian less than 1 meter with the wavelength of 1,000 kilometers. here can be understood that the surface wave have a slope very small (height 1cm stretching as far as 1 km). in the region Ocean in and off, wave like this happen without felt, though move on the speed of 500 to 800 km / hours. this is because the effect tersamarkan by wave sea surface normal. in order to better understand how the high speed tsunami, can we say that the waves are able to match the speed jet Boeing 747. tsunami in the high seas will not be perceived though the ship. tsunami move 100.000 tons of water to mainland research shows that the tsunami apparently not consists of a wave of a single, it consists of a series of waves with one centers in the middle, like a rock thrown into the pool. the distance between two waves successive can reach 500-650 kilometers. this means tsunami can across the Ocean in a matter of hours. tsunami just let go of energy when approaching the territory of the Beach. energy divided evenly on segulungan water giant become increasingly solidify along with the mengerutnya rolls the water, and increased high surface waves fast can be observed. wave berketinggian less than 60 centimeters in the high seas lost his speed when approaching the shallow water, and the distance antargelombangnya was reduced. However, wave mutually overlap bring up the tsunami to form the walls of the water. giant wave this, which is usually reach the height of 15 meters but rarely exceed 30 meters, let go of the power devastating when hit the Beach with high speed, causing damage great and swallowing a lot of casualties. tsunami move more than 100,000 tons of seawater to mainland to each meters coastline, with the power broken the tough to imagine. (tsunami largest ever known, the hit Japan in July 1993, up to 30 meters above sea level.) marks the beginning of the arrival of the tsunami usually not a form of the Wall of water, but the demise of seawater suddenly. tsunami-tsunami large in the history of waves sea giant largest earthquake recorded in the history is as follows giant wave oldest ever known earthquake in the sea, named "tsunami" by the Japanese people and "hungtao" by the Chinese, is that occur in the Eastern Mediterranean on July 21, 365 ad and killed thousands of people in the city of Alexandria, Egypt. capital of Portugal destroyed due devastating earthquake Lisbon on November 1, 1775. a wave of the Atlantic Ocean to achieve the height of 6 meters devastated beaches in Portugal, Spain and Morocco. August 27, 1883: the volcano Krakatau in Indonesia erupted and tsunami that swept beaches Java and Sumatra killed 36.000 people. volcanic eruption is really great so that during the night-night Sky luminous due to dust lava Red. June 15, 1896: "the tsunami sanriku" hit Japan. tsunami giant berketinggian 23 meters that swept the crowd gathered in celebration of religion and swallowing 26.000 casualties. December 17, 1896: the tsunami damage part pematang Santa Barbara in California, United States, and the led flood in the main Highway. January 31, 1906: earthquake in the Pacific Ocean destroy the part of the city tumaco in Colombia, including the entire House on the Beach located in between rioverde in Ecuador and micay in Colombia; 1.500 people died. 1 April 1946: tsunami destroy the Beacon Scotch cap in Islands aleut along with five guard, moving towards Hilo in Hawaii and killed 159 people. may 22, 1960: the tsunami berketinggian 11 meters killed 1,000 in Chile and 61 people in Hawaii. giant wave passed to the Coast of the Pacific Ocean and shook the Philippines and Okinawa Island in Japan. March 28, 1964: the tsunami "good Friday" in Alaska abolish three village of maps with 107 people were killed and 15 died in Oregon and California. August 16, 1976: the tsunami in the Pacific killed 5,000 in the Gulf of Moro, the Philippines. July 17, 1998: Ocean waves earthquake that occur in Papua new Guinea the northern part of killing 2.313 people, destroy 7 village and lead to thousands of homeless. December 26, 2004: earthquake 8,9 on the magnitude and Ocean waves giant hit six countries in Southeast Asia killed more than 156.000 people. cause of the high power damaged tsunami according to the information provided by Dr. Walter C. Dudley, professor of Oceanography and one of the founder of the Museum Pacific tsunami, no matter how much the power of earthquake, the movement of the ground floor Ocean is terms tsunami. in other words, the greater the displacement plate the Earth's crust on the ground floor Ocean, the greater number of water digerakkannya, and this will increase the awesomeness tsunami. another thing that increase the damaged tsunami is the structure of the Beach diterjangnya: factors other than as a form the Beach in the form of the Bay or Peninsula, ramps or steep, part of the Beach always be in the water may have a structure can add fury waves killer. in the statement other, which make it clear that the precautions conducted can not be considered as a way out a perfect, Dudley say that the American and Japan has been set up a device monitoring the most advanced in the Pacific Ocean, but all these devices have error rate Fifty percent! signs of latter-day natural disasters, which can not be prevented using a means of technology or measures early, shows how helpless human real. from the 20th century, which was identified as "century natural disaster", up to now, there have been a number of natural disasters such a great earthquake, volcanic eruptions, tornado, storm, Hurricanes, whirlwind, and flood, in addition to the tsunami, and all of this has been attributing severe damage and claimed the lives of millions of people. when someone think of the phenomenon of this incredible, it can be understood that this has a similarity with natural phenomena expressed as a sign of early days of latter-day. according to what is expressed in the Hadith, latter-day is a future ahead of the last day, and when the values of the qur'an spread to the community. the first stage of latter-day is Kala human abstain from the values of religion, when the battle increasing, and natural phenomenon superb happen. thus, in a number of Hadith, towns and nations cut off from the sheet history rumored for signs of latter-day. in the hadiths that explores the problem our Prophet said: "when (last day) will not going to ... earthquake become common." (Bukhari) "the events of the will happen in the time [Imam Mahdi]." (IBN Hajar haytahami, Inter alia-qawl Inter alia-mukhtasar fi'alamat Mahdi Inter alia-muntazar, H. 27) there are two great events before judgment day ... and then the years earthquake. (narrated by ummu salamah (r.a.)) "many events so sad will happen in the time [Imam Mahdi]." (priest Rabbani, letters of Rabbani, 2/258) in the second phase of latter-day, God will release human of depravity morals and war through the Imam Mahdi. in this period, known as the Golden age, war and conflict will end, the world will be met by prosperity, abundance and Justice, and the values of Islamic teachings will cover the Earth and diamalkan widely. period like this unprecedented, with permission God, but will take place before judgment day. this stage now waiting time specified by God. everything under the control of God. believers who understand this truth and who have faith sincere to God, surrender oneself to our Lord with the understanding that they middle follow their destiny. God has been set everything perfectly, up to the details that the smallest, since the creation of the Earth until the last day. everything recorded in the book "lahw mahfuz". everything has occurred in a time in view of God, that is not bound by space or time and space and time of any event has been established. this fact expressed in a verse: "to each news (which was taken by the apostles) there (a) the occurrence and later you will know." (the qur'an, letter Inter alia an'aam, 6:67) image

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