The Lightcaller Chronicles: Part 7

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Just got word today that the council will be meeting later today to decide my fate. They say that I will get a chance to speak in a few days but that's just a formality and that it most likely wont change any decision that they make. Anyways enough of this, where was I?

Yes, we had just finished taking a rest so that Howler could recover after having his ass handed to him by a broom..... yes, a broom. I still can't believe that he got beaten up by a broom. Like seriously, who does that even happen to?

Anyways once everyone was rested up we checked our gear and and finished making fun of Howler, we decided to continue on our way exploring. Gorzak, the cat and Iiliad went off to go and explore the room that was at the other end of the house. There wasn't really anything in there other then what looked like a office where the family would conduct business. Later I did come to find out that the cat did find some deeds of property for the house and for a windmill that was also owned by the family.

While the rest of the party was doing that Howler decided to stay back and search the master bedroom that we had stayed in while i decided to check out the room beside the broom closet. You know the one where Howler got beaten up by a broom. I headed out of the room and approached the room. As I got closer to the door I started to get a funny feeling down in the small of my back. I figured it was nothing and at most just some nerves so I proceeded to open the door. It turns out that was a mistake and I really should listen to my gut more often.

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I opened the door to find myself with a faintly glowing apparition. As it slowly drifted closer I could start to make out more details about it. It looked like an agonized, almost see through woman, who had died most unpleasantly. It took me a bit but once I got past my initial shock I was able to recognize it as a Wraith. I knew right then and there that I was in trouble.

I started to cast my fastest and most powerful spell, hoping to blast the creature with divine energy, when it moved. I was just about to finish my incantation when it darted forward and plunged its hand deep into my chest. I froze, it was all that I was able to do. It felt as if a hand colder then ice was gripping my heart and slowly squeezing, the pressure just kept getting stronger and stronger. As that was happening it felt like parts of my soul were slowly being broken off and torn away. This was the most agonizing feeling that I had ever experienced.

It felt like this was going on for hours, hours of nothing but pure and torturous agony. I thought that this was never going to end. The last thing that went through my mind is how can my companions leave me here like this for so long, surely they must have noticed I was missing by now. Then everything slowly started to fade to black and I knew no more.

Later I was told that I was only out for about a minute or so, Howler heard me scream out in pain and rushed over to find me falling to the floor as the wraith was pulling its hand out of my chest. Howler came tearing into the room leaping over my still body and drew his daggers preparing to attack the wraith. As everyone else came rushing down the hall into the room Howler darted forward attacking the wraith. Some of his attacks managed to tear some wispy tatters of substance off the creature but his attacks were mostly ineffective.

Once the rest of the group managed to reach the room and see the wraith they all immediately attacked. As much as they struck it, there attacks weren't doing much against the nature of the creature. It wasn't until the wraith went to attack the cat that they managed to finally finish it. The cat out of nowhere shoots a blast of radiant energy from his fists, destroying the wraith and freeing its poor soul from the agony and allowing it to move on.

Once the wraith was dealt with they checked on me and made sure that I was stable and not at risk of dying. Once I came to I healed my wounds and those of anyone else that got hurt in the attack. The wounds weren't physical but spiritual and the healing energy warmed my down to my soul. After that we all checked our gear then headed up the stairs to check the remaining floor and we were on our way.

Little did I know was that the next for hours would be brutal and not everyone would survive them...


I love your writing section @shadowthrone

Anyways once everyone was rested up we checked our gear and and finished making fun of Howler, we decided to continue on our way exploring. Gorzak, the cat and Iiliad went off to go and explore the room that was at the other end of the house. There wasn't really anything in there other then what looked like a office where the family would conduct business. Later I did come to find out that the cat did find some deeds of property for the house and for a windmill that was also owned by the family.

Thank you. I am glad that you like it!

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