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RE: Dumpster Diving By Moonlight ~ The Weekend Freewrite - 28 Minute Version ~ Original Photography and Original Story About Late Night Findings

It was a few years back. Think I found some nice journal blanks, some cookware, and other 'oddments of the fascinating'. It was a new dumpster, not at all dirty, so everything was in good shape, and not 'stinky'.
I am sorry it is not a 'do-able' thing in your city. We have the best second-hand shops (Goodwill, etc) here, of anywhere I have seen in America. I have to stay away, as there is always good things to buy. But SO nice, when you really need something. So much cheaper, and keeps things out of the landfill. And re-use is a huge thing with me.
I've not seen those shows, I'll have to check it out. Have a nice night.

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