Oh great Sheik Of Dubai ! Mighty among all the mightest, Rashidooni, who knows, but God...

in #dubai3 years ago

so my request is simple....

but before that, I saw the great atom plant... It would nice to already have an evacuation plan ready and negociated with the great King of the Greatest Kingdom next door, for FULL RESETTLEMENT in case of fall outs... I know, it's hard to think about such realities, sadly, it can happen... and rather than to close what's new, just have already everything negociated so that dubai can be left safely, orderly to another future... I know...

now the request... plants of the creation... the holly cannabis... that's it, I let the master find a way, to make Dubai even greater than ever ! I mean in your own home, not disturbing anyone? it's not worst than a narguylah in term of pollution/nuisances...

and a final comment, the ukrainian... excellent job ! love it ! to have a clean city not corrupted by those filthy people with no respect for others or themselves (I felt on article on the subject following a promotional piece on onlyfans...I mean... western... let's remain polite and curteous facing the downfall of those wicked and weak, uneducated, and ill informed females... poor them, I hope Islam will protect you )!

so, yes... a plant...

let's make dubai bloom !

and if that happen, we need seriously to solve this belligerent attitude from the other side of the sea... because, there and then... our only limit will be God's Will...

I can't wait to buy my first full traditional white clothe... liberty ! tax heaven and fun, growth and opportunities... no limit... it's the last little stone... we are closing in with the Divine... as it was all along the aim...

kuffar life become and more and impossiblity to me...

I am sure there are no, transgender pedorapist story time in dubai, that no kids is endoctrinated in transgenderism and all this demoralization crap...

and I find dubai so yuge !!! it's immense...

all the best in all choices, and long live to the greastest sheik. and if I may wrong, I don't inquire on what is none of my business, I know that no judgement or opinion of mine could ever even reflect the might of God, ie you are on your own :) as always since day one, to the last !

Glory !

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