Thank You for Your Generous Help dtube and steemit dtubesnapx

in #dtubesnapx6 years ago (edited)

Hello dtube and steemit, I am so grateful for you.

Thank you everyone who is supporting me in this difficult time. You are overwhelming and I have been knocked for a loop right now.

When I made a post asking for help to pay my rent the other day,

I was not sure I was doing the right thing. It’s not easy to put yourself out there, but you are the people I am connected to now. I’m working on a post to thank you and I have so many of you to thank that the post will be long.

I’ve fallen of the turnip truck for everything else, because I am sick now.

I have rheumatoid arthritis. This autoimmune disease has a lot of crazy symptoms. One of those is happening to me right now. It’s called a flare, and I am in one.

I can do what I have to do in stressful situations, but once the thing is over, my body says, ok, that’s it! Time to rest and recover. The way it says that is

  • increased pain
  • joints that won’t move
  • exhaustion
  • weakness
  • mental confusion
  • hunger
  • full body cramping – this is like a charlie horse, but everywhere on your body, and very scary and painful when it happens. It’s happened twice so far and woken me from deep sleep. Then every involved muscle and joint feels like it was in a boxing match for a couple of days after that.

Next, Malaysia chimes in with agreement that I need to rest, and gives me two rainy and cold days. I can’t tolerate cold at all now, and that is why I am down here close to the equator. But it has been cold and damp and my joints are screaming now. What’s up Malaysia? Bring back my heat!

So ever since I found out I got enough money to pay my rent, (and more!) I have been in this flare and working to recover. I do this by:

  • resting when I need to
  • sleeping as long as I can
  • eating healthy food
  • drinking a lot of healthy drinks
  • stretching in bed

At about 6 pm last night I woke up and thought I would try to get up and work again. I sat down in my chair and couldn’t even sit up straight, so I went right back to bed for another hour or two.

You can see I only posted 3 times yesterday, twice on my account and once on my son @bxlphabet’s. I’ve barely made any comments or replies, and I usually at least get to 30 a day.

When I was trying to finish my post late last night, I did get to one post I am [linking to here by @katerinaramm}(

Please take a look at that post and my comments on it if you want to see my state of mind today. Katerina was one of the first people to send me a wallet transfer after I made my post, and she did it in minutes after I posted. Because of her generous action I felt hope and that I was going to succeed in this crazy mission. Then the rest of you chimed in with transfers and upvotes (which are still coming) and my catastrophe was averted in only one hour.

This morning, I’m here with my video of the day for dtube because I have committed to publishing one each 24 hours no matter what. I am part of the dtubefamily777 and so proud and grateful for that. So nothing else happens each morning now until this video is posted.

Make a goal and take action. Boom! Your life improves.

You can do it if I can.

Be sure to fitinfun no matter what.

= =

Thank you everyone for your support of my efforts to post videos to dtube regularly. I have a lot of technical, personal, and other challenges, but I am not making excuses. I have about 10 general areas I need to work on and I am improving in them as I keep trying. I am so grateful to all of you for pushing me to do better.

Here are the steps I am taking to upload videos to @dtube. Some of them are specific to the problems I have with my wifi, but I think most of these are standard for all of us.

If you are new to dtube, give these steps a try.

If you know what you are doing and see problems in my list of tasks, please comment to help me improve.


  • Write video text in script file
  • record test video for length
  • go online and get links for video text
  • copy text and cut for script text (200-400 words)


  • record second test video for length
  • create bullet points for “cue cards” - enlarge text and have onscreen
  • rehearse
  • record real video, play it in the camera player to confirm it is ok and save


  • go to windows explorer and find video
  • re-title video in explorer
  • title the text for the video
  • open you tube
  • upload video to you tube as “private”
  • play in yt and get screen shot for canva


  • download video from you tube

  • find video, move to correct location and play in media player

  • open Canva and make snap;

  • title snap to video title and download

  • close all and reboot laptop

  • open script file

  • check and alter post text as needed

  • determine hashtags (Don’t use dtube; 3 for the upload; 1 for the steemit post after upload)


  • put “yes” wifi gadget on the balcony
  • open incognito browser window
  • login to dtube directly (not with steemconnect)
  • use the “cloud” to upload video (don’t drag and drop)
  • edit and copy video text from script file into dtube, proofread
  • Upload snap
  • add 3 hashtags
  • Pray and post


  • Go to steemit and add 5th tag
  • Move video to “used” in explorer
  • get “yes” wifi gadget off the balcony
  • promote video on twitter, fb, discord, and chat


  • open yesterday's video post in steemit
  • answer any comments
  • copy video text
  • open yesterday’s video in yt
  • publish yesterday’s video to yt with a promo for dtube

So easy!

Notes for today:
I started at working at 9 am and posted at 4 pm. The video length is 2:16. It failed once and then uploaded the second time in less than two minutes.

Challenges were many, including

  • shrieking children directly below my balcony
  • sirens (X2)
  • Muslim call to prayer
  • no smiling
  • bad takes with stumbling words
  • bad hair day
  • lunch break
  • resting breaks (X3)
  • yes gadget needed a charge <<< check earlier

Tomorrow will be a better day.

Thank you so much for your help everyone. You all mean the world to me.

▶️ DTube

Here is my you tube version. I post this and use my text to promote dtube. Lets get those people over here!


Welcome to dtube777 I hope you will going better.

Tomorrow will be a lot better day :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much for your support, @emsonic. I am so thrilled to be here. This has made a big difference in my life.


I'm so sorry you were not in a good place
Sending you lots and lots and lot of love and light <3

I see you @fitinfun :D

Thank you much @kaerpediem. Eek! on the big reveal lol.

I just noticed your profile words. No wonder you are so great on camera. How close are you to KL? Or are you here now?


I just changed my profile because the kids decided they wanted to do their own thing and didn't want to play Mummy Says anymore... hahaha
So now the pressure is off ... we can work on videos as and when :D

You are too kind <3

Yes, I do have a KL address :)

Crazy kids! I hope we can meet up soon. I am in wangsa maju :)

I'm so glad to hear you're getting help from the community! Steemit is so great. I hope you are able to get your RA flare up cooled down quickly and easily <3


Thank you so much! I am trying my best to heal right now and will be back to myself soon :) Steemit is a miracle for me and has been since I got here.


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