
Sure!! Same as plank-contest, you should do this for 22days continuously, the minimum is 22 push-ups everyday and you can gradually increase freely day by day 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

And the tag of this challenge is 22kill, welcome to join us 😄

Posted using Partiko Android

22 in single set ???

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes! If you can't, I think dividing it into 2 parts can also work.

Posted using Partiko Android

it's okay if you want to do more, #22KILL has not much rule, just to draw the attention about
"Why is it called #22KILL?In 2012, the VA released a Suicide Data Report that an average of 22 veterans are “KILLED By Suicide” (KBS) everyday."
it can mix up with #plank-contest, all welcome.!

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