DTubeSnapQ: What Are Your Boundaries?

in #dtubesnapq6 years ago (edited)

Hi There,

This is a question I have pondered over and grappled with on my journey on social media. Finding the balance of how much should one share? Is it expected of the community? Do you have lines that you will not cross and what are they? How about when it involves other people in particular minors, like your kids?

Would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment or if you reply with video, please drop your link below so I can show my appreciation.


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There is certainly a line to draw. I can be an open book but not all pages are filled up. Or some pages I tear it and keep it with me. Lol. If you get what I mean. For example, if I blog about parenting I would share to a certain extent but certainly won't share all the details of the words we used when we 'fought'. Or how my boys got meltdown etc. Certain details are personal to my children and spouse so I won't share as well. But let say 10 random things about me, I won't mind to share. Or share about snippets of my life but I won't show the address or some numbers. Those common sense thing to protect your info and privacy should keep it to yourself. And the boundaries is subjected to change I guess. The status quo of my life will determine how I draw the line too. If I am a normal citizen there is a line as such. If I am a princess, I mean the real one, there will be more lines to draw. Hope I make sense.

Questions to answer. Depend what questions. So I guess it depends. If you ask me what is my age I will gladly respond. If you ask me personal stuff, then I won't answer.

But on side note, I started Steemit sharing on CDH about my son. So there is a certain degree of open book to his life up until he tells me to stop sharing then I will stop all the sharing about him. 😊

I think it is the balance and you have got the hang of it
I too will touch the surface when it involves my family and if it is something that will have long lasting repercussions especially negative, I glaze over it
Right now your kids are enjoying being part of the videos and you are managing the exposure very nicely
We know enough about you without the skeletons in the closet
Thank you for sharing you and your journey with us @iamjadeline
It is motivating to see someone accept life’s curve balls and at the same time grateful for the good 😊

Good question with an easy answer for me:

My boundaries are as high as they can get but:
When it is about other persons in my life I will ask them if I can share the informations.
About me ? I will tell you everythng because the steem community is my big family :)

Thanks for asking this!

You do come across as someone genuine
And it is easy to warm up to you and now I know it is because you have allowed us in as family 😊
Yes, I too am careful when it involves others

Thank you so much for participating @tibfox

Yeh I usually ask for permission outside of family and focus mainly on my own family

Posted using Partiko iOS

Initially when the kids’ friends came over to hang out, they’d literally beg me to make a video with them
And I’d tell them not without your parents’ permission
Now they are bigger and the parents seemed a lot more open to it than me haha

Wow they begged you? Haha kids these days!

Posted using Partiko iOS

They all want to be the next YT star hahaha

I believe in boundaries in everything that I do or share. Sadly with the technology today alot of the things about ourselves is so easily accessible, available or traceable.
And that control is within ourselves to manage not others. We can't blame others if we ourselves allow such information to be made available out there.
I constantly tell myself to manage the information shared be it on Steemit or in any other social media platforms

Yes, we live in a time where our digital footprint is readily accessible if you know how to work it
It’s like that secret ... if you don’t want anyone to know don’t ever ever speak of it
check and balance 😊
Sounds like a good plan

Thank you for sharing your thoughts @ireenchew

Good question @kaerpediem

I'm not sure about exactly what question it would need to be to step over my boundaries but I guess it would need to be something extremely personal.

My boundaries are set high already and I don't have much shame so I would answer a lot of questions others wouldn't but, I guess there is always a limit. I just don't know exactly wht it is.

From what I have seen you are comfortable in your skin and that is a very good place to be
When I watch your videos, I can sense your raw emotions and you own it 😊
That’s what makes watching your videos a pleasure
I guess with time you will know your boundaries and maybe you will share it with us ...

Thank you for participating @runicar

Great Question @kaerpediem.

Well,I don't think I have boundaries.Aside doing something to get humiliated lol.

I like to consider myself a free person who can do whatever the hell he wants online and offline but my actions should never hurt or affect one other life form.

Now,what about you? Hehe

Even if being humiliated might get you more eyeballs? Haha
I like the idea of being a free person
Being yourself
As long as you are not hurting someone
Love it

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts @knowhow92

No problem dear :)
Happy to do that.

Great question. I'll record my DSnapR soon as I get home!

Posted using Partiko Android

You are a very open person
Would love to hear your thoughts
Will look out for the video 😊

Thank you @ enjoyinglife

I ask myself this question every time I start to write.
I still struggle trying to figure it out though.
I share what has helped me, hoping in some way it can be of use for someone else. I try not to share too much, especially nothing that could be embarrassing for my kids.
I think to some extent it is expected, and I do enjoy reading about others and seeing pictures, but when it comes to me it is a little different.
I have shared some pictures, but none that are recent or show them completely, doing so still makes me feel weird.

When the kids were younger, it was no go
Their pictures and even of me were only for a very small group of 7, my inner circle which pretty much consisted of very close family
Only I could see pictures that we were tagged
I was overly paranoid and controlled it like crazy

In fact, it is my kids who pestered me for the longest time for their on YT account, that I started one in an effort to manage what gets shared and this too when they got older. I always check with them if they are comfortable with the videos, especially now even more so because they are older and kids can be so mean....

These days they have their own accounts (private of course), a couple are in professional theatre and exposed to media... and I have occasional talks with them in regards to what they share and prep them for the mean world

So I understand your reservations
I think you are managing it well
Go with your gut feeling :)

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