DTubeSnapQ #1 | Questions about Voting Power and Upvoting

in #dtubesnapq6 years ago (edited)

{Note: Comments will be upvoted by me accordingly}

Hi DTubers and Steemians,

In this DTubeSnapQ, my questions are:

  1. At what percentage of your Voting Power (VP) do you consider it too low and you will decide to stop upvoting for awhile?

  2. How do you upvote? Do rather upvote more users with lesser upvote percentage or you rather upvote lesser users with higher upvote percentage?

  3. How do you determine what upvote percentage to give? You decide randomly? Or you decide the percentage base on the quality of the content? Or?

I hope my questions are valid. Thank you for responding. You may comment straight below or you may create a DTubeSnapR video to respond (and post your video link at comment below).

Logo of "DQ" is by @zainenn

DTubeSnapQ (question) is an initiative by @nathanmars to encourage content creation (and comments) based on demand, in order to create a strong use-case for DTube. You can check out his original video here: https://steemit.com/dtubesnap/@nathanmars/vorc5fng

Thank you for your time.


▶️ DTube

I am having issues playing videos today so good thing your questions are in the body of post 🤙.

  1. I try stay above 60% but I have been known to drop down to 40% but I have SteemAuto setup to keep me from breaking 90% if I happen to step away.
  2. I try to spread it out but I have noticed a better impact on early DTube videos with a fat 100%, I don’t vote myself so I mind as well try make the most of spreading the power delegated to me out as far as possible.
  3. Taking a lesson from @NathanMars as I to believe in power of numbers, I vote typically with 33 or 77. Sometimes it’s relative to quality but mostly it has to do with how much I wish to support and encourage the user. If it seems like they put the effort in and produced to the best of their ability or stepped outside their comfort zone I try give a vote on the larger side.

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I just have to say I am big on numbers too
And I too have been doing mostly 33% and 77% along with 50%.
A couple of days back I decided I should do 55% instead 😂

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We are populating the number 33 and 77, aren't we? 😁

Seems like we are ✊

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It’s a great way of installing positive energy into something as simple as a upvote if you ask me, good on you for embracing the power of numbers!

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I had drop to below 40% also and I feel 'heartsick' coz the amount of upvote value that I can give is lesser. Took forever to climb up to 80%.

And oh yeah, I also take on from Nathan, the 33% and 77. Sometimes 17 and sometimes 27. Haha. ✌️

Good insight. Something for me to ponder how to play around with the %.

Thank you so much @d00k13.

Yea it can be heart wrenching to see your VP drop to such low levels but looking at your activity as a job well done helps ease the wait for recovery 💪

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  1. I have always made it a point to stop at 80% Having said that all my votes are manual so this could be the reason why
  2. There are so many deciding factors to this, but the readers digest version is I want to upvote all that I engage with. And so that means the love needs to be spread out. The content plays a part too but that’s a play by ear by eyes haha
  3. Not random, but subjective 😬 ... sometimes it is the content, sometimes it is the potential of someone on DTube but mostly the person (since I already know the kind of content and their interests especially when I need to upvote first and watch/engage later ... like now 😉)

How about you?

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I used to want to keep it at 90% which I could for some point until I join Dtube. Because now we are supporting both Bloggers' content and Vloggers' content. If can I also try to keep it at 80%.

Yes, for me personally I would love to spread out too but sometimes really feel like giving people higher value upvote yet want to support so many and then with higher upvote value the VP drops fast. What a dilemma. Still deciding how. And maybe i will play by ears too and be flexible from day to day? 😋

For now I set for DTube content either 17 or 33 or 50 or 77. I might include 27%.

Above all, I am still in the midst of adjusting ever since I join Dtube.😊

Thank you for your respond. I have more examples as reference now.

Yeah I know what you mean
I let you in on a secret
Mostly my bigger votes go to DTubers and engagement within DTube because the delegation was given to grow this platform
Then I manage with the rest because they are also instrumental in my growth
And i do make it a point to go out of my usual circle so I can meet new steemians and dtubers so that too requires some massaging of the votes 😉

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Massaging of votes. Haha.

Same here. All the 33% and 77% or 100% goes to Dtube content. Same thinking because the delegation is for "All in the Dtube."☺️ high-5!

  1. I don't vote below 50% and when i hit 50% i stop voting and wait for the recharge...
  2. When I vote I usually vote @100% and I rarely upvote with less percentage
  3. If I like the post, I give it 100% :)

Actually you asked quite useful questions///

Now I know we don't necessarily stay at 90%. There was a point I was taught to maintain at 90 or at least 85..so difficult nowadays.

Thank you so much for input. It widen up my thinking on VP% and UP%:)

In my opinion, give upvote with great power to the Dtuber-Dtuber who just joined @dtube or beginner, so that they remain on @dtube for a long time, for example like @yuna-ma which rarely gets attention from the Dtube community, for example ... 😊

But when you go to the Dtube homepage and find other content from Dtuner which is very interesting for you and also of good quality, but already got upvote from @dtube , in my opinion you don't need to poll with a large percentage, only 1% is enough to signal you the content ... hehehe

For dtuber that has power power, you should direct it to the dtuber that just joined @dtube , so that they feel exciting on @dtube and interesting to stay on @dtube , that way the @dtube users will continue to grow, not disappear one by one ... .☺ ...

Hehe ... I think that's sis ... 😉

Certainly giving higher upvotes to new user will encourage them to stay. Although in the end we also hope people stay because of the community.

And I won't give 1% upvote to DTuber, no I won't. Hehe. Must be higher than that.

Thank you for responding. ☺️

Hehehe😃 ... Yes sis ... don't 1%, I'm just joking ... 😃

Yes sis, so far I have seen you who care to support other dtuber, hopefully upvote from you will become a charity.😉👍

  1. 80% may be because my sp not so high.
  2. more users with lesser upvote, because we have many friends
  3. sometime randomly sometime base on quality content

I used to try to keep it to 90% but it is quite impossible now so 80% too for me. After all the comments I will rethink my system and adjust accordingly. Thank you @tfq86 for responding.

you are welcome my friend

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Just trying I don't know is it right or not anymore mistake please forgive me

Hi @mamun123456, I have checked out your video. Upvoted and commented on that video instead of here. Thank you very much. :)

I replyed you, take a look at my blog. I hope the response satisfy you and all your needs. ☺

You are so cute in this video and I just love these questions! I am
Definitely going to video a dtubeR on this one. :)

And I will be excited to hear from you. Please drop the link here so I will not miss you. My brain's RAM hasn't got its upgrade so sometimes it works slow and may miss something important :p

It’s okay if you don’t see it, I’m away on vacay so I may forget to drop a link. Also I am running my freedom
Friday and have to finish up that by Sunday. 😁

Cant play the video(i couldnt upload as well) this happens to you or just me!

I wanted to watch the vlog then answering the questions!

I notice already a handful have problem playing video. You can just answer according to the questions I typed out. :)

Okay, since am a video consumer i wanted to watch the video so badly, anyway here's my answers:

1: 90% is low for me and i wait fir the recharge because if my vp went below 90% it will give 0$

2: i prefer to upvote more people with less power (it won't give a cent even with full XD) so i prefer to leave my print on what i liked( i leave a comment too)

3: my voting weight is not determined by the quality in special, cause i know that when someone makes a blog/vlog he puts an effort so that effort deserve something (even a good comment count)

Thank you so much for responding @soufiani, then I get a glimpse of how everyone else is managing their VP and UV.

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