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RE: Mornings at the Forest Temple

in #dtubesnapplus6 years ago

That looks so beautiful and peaceful. I'm jealous 😉

I've always been interested in Buddhism and actively meditate. I'll keep this place in mind for a visit if I ever make it back to Thailand 😁

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It is very beautiful and peaceful!

If you do ever come back to Thailand I'll let you know of the exact location. There are quite a few foreigners that come and are intrigued. Some stay just for the day and others days or weeks. I haven't known any that stay months. Usually at that point, you become a monk. 😉

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Ha ha. Well, I'm probably one who would end up a monk 😉

Living in nature with peace and quiet, meditating and writing... Sounds pretty good to me.

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Well then if you are serious then I'm sure my mum would gladly sponsor you as once a monk you cannot touch or deal with money, but in a way you still need support (sometimes that financially). Also, you would need acceptance from your mother and father (if they are alive) to be ordained. But you would need to be happy to do such a thing too.

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That is a kind offer... and I will remember it 🙂

I'm not sure that I'm ready to give up all things material yet though. I understand the reasoning behind it in the buhhdist methodology but I feel like it is possible to find that inner awakening, that presence that they speak about in Zen and other spiritual practices, without retreating completely from the world.

Hmnnn, it is an interesting thought though. As I've found the noise of all those material things, all those responsibilities, constently fight against that presence that can be found through meditation. It's like you find this wonderful place of peace... and then your brain is like... 'what about this thing that you've got to do to make sure this other thing is taken care of'... And then the effect of the hour of meditation is just blown away in the wind of all those responsibilities.

Lol, getting deep on a Friday 😉

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Deep thoughts for Friday for sure and maybe something to ponder about over the weekend 🤔 but you don't have to become a monk, you can be a 'lay person' like I did. A couple days in the temple where one takes away one self from the modern world... You can see I clearly didn't maximise this opportunity as I took out my phone to film etc. But that is the general basis. Otherwise, like you said, just mediation. Find a quiet space and an hour and a half to yourself. Mediate and relax the inner mind for an hour. Once that is over, go for a walk (preferably in nature and alone) for 30 minutes before all the priorities of life come flooding back. Just a suggestion.

Have a great weekend!

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