Di sebuah tempat taman hiburan anak-anak ( At a children's amusement park )

in #dtubesnapplus6 years ago (edited)

Happy days for all of us here, happy days are always for us all in the world. On this occasion I shared the video that I captured a few days ago, this is the moment to bring the baby to the place of toys / children's playgrounds.

It's really a loss if we parents don't bring and can make them happy and breathe fresh air on a beautiful night for us to enjoy.

On this very good occasion we took them to one of the special places provided by children's games, really they enjoyed the toys they chose themselves.

Without happiness for them there is no meaning to this life, that's about his philosophy,

Selamat hari bahagia untuk kita semua di sini, hari hari bahagia selalu untuk kita semua di seluruh dunia. Pada kesempatan ini saya membagi video yang saya abadikan beberapa hari yang yang lalu, ini dalam momen membawa sang buah hati ketempat mainan / taman permainan anak-anak.

Sungguh rugi bila kami orang tua tidak membawa dan bisa membuat mereka bahagia dan menghirup udara segar di malam yang Indah untuk kami nikmati.

Pada kesempatan yang sangat baik ini kami membawa mereka ke salah satu tempat khusus disediakan permainan anak-anak, sungguh mereka menikmati dengan mainan yang mereka pilih sendiri.

Tanpa kebahagiaan untuk mereka tidak ada arti kehidupan ini, begitulah kira-kira filsafatnya,

For all the support for our video, I say thousands of thanks,
And special greetings to our entire family's at : @dtube , #dtubesnap , @onelovedtube, @whalepower , @artzone, #teammalaysia , @dcomindonesia ,
@steem-bounty and the whole community that I did not mention one by one.

▶️ DTube

I don't know why.. but this post made me hungry for pizza

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