Bare Root Fruit Trees! Why... and where to order!

in #dtubesnap6 years ago

Hello again @dtube and Steem Blockchain! This evening...I am out continuing to spread wood chips around all of our 105 fruit trees. A few of them are quite young.....and arrived as bare root fruit trees in the mail! Yup...all enclosed in a box with no dirt....just sticks...and roots! This time of year...our catalog for ordering new bare root trees we can order more trees.... for the coming growing season. You order NOW...and the trees arrive in January. It's like a late Christmas lol!!!! I can't recommend getting fruit tree genetics this way enough!!! The trees are much more hardy in my opinion...and just TAKE OFF...from the start! The best part for I can source peculiar the Pluerry Trees I show in this video. They are a cross between, plum, cherry, apricot and peach. They come from Dave Wilson Fruit Trees and are Zaiger Genetics. Grow organic is the distributor. I'll post a link below where you can learn more and scoop a catalog: ---scoop a catalog here

Learn more about zaiger genetics and hybrids like pluot, pluerry and aprium right here:

NOW IS THE scoop these tree genetics as they sell out fast....each season!!!! Happy hunting!

Cheers to our food freedoms @dtube and fellow Steemians!!!! Dfood and DTube!!!!!!

Jake and the Raw Utah family

▶️ DTube

@rawutah, I will gracefully disagree. Yes, a bare root is so much better then a potted tree. You are 100% correct but there is another option that is so much better. Let me explain. I planted 12 fruit trees all bare root of which in 5 years 5 have been replaced and the other 5 are diseased. I have been working hard to save them. Where I live there are tons of orchards. I recently discovered that the trees that grow disease free(more or less) are trees from long ago that started from seed. I found out that trees planted bare root or not will not develope a tap root. Also trees over the last 30 plus years are grafted on a rootstock of a supposedly hardy tree and is not always the same that is grafted too. Before grafting and selling trees like this trees survived so much better then today. Today at least where I live there are so many health issues with trees. So this fall, I planted several seeds in one spot so it can pop up in the spring and then choose the strongest one to allow to grow. The benefit of buying a 2-year-old grafted bare root tree is of no good if after 1-3 years the tree dies. So why not start from seed and have a tree that could last 100 years? Maybe not all areas have the issues we ahve but I still found it surprising how these 80 year old trees produce so well with no care yet trees of today do so poorly.

Hi @gardengranny !!!! :) Thanks for your insight and could be right on all of your points. It's perhaps good to have a WIDE VARIETY of options as a gardener. I haven't witnessed what you have as far as no tap root. I've only been doing this about 10 years though. None of my bare root trees have been sick or die as you've described. but..i'm aware of the potentials....and many variables. this is the info from dave's site as far as advantages and disadvantages of certain root stocks.

for me...i enjoy trying all methods and theories!!!! so i did just that...about 12 years ago. i ate a peach and and apple and grew them into large trees. they are very happy trees....and produce wonderfully every year...but their fruit tastes nothing like the parents they came from. the peach is mealy...and not sweet. the apples are small...and very tart. i have decade old bare root trees also that are doing quite well...after all this time. so for me...that's my answer to your question as to why not start from seed. the wide variability of offspring. the phenotypic and chemotypic expressions. doesn't mean you won't hit the genetic lottery and get a real winner lol! it's why i went for it and grew from seed. my friend @gardeningchannel also started apples from seed which grew into small tart apples he calls the prigioni apple. :)) perhaps it comes down to personal opinion...and what amount of time a grower has to commit to seeing and tasting the results. so for me ...i am looking for specific traits in my trees...that i can expect...and repeat year to year. for new growers...if i suggest they grow from seed...they may get good results...and they may not. same with bare root. so many variables. i personally don't recommend a new fruit tree grower start from seed...but that's just little ol' me. :) thanks for stopping by granny. :) ...perhaps the best root growing the trees out from seed....and using them as root graft upon. ;) that's how i'm now using my trees i grew from seed.

That is an awesome idea @rawutah, something I have been considering as well. The rootstalk is now established. One can graft to it. I do not remember the %'s but I think it is something like 50% chance to grow the parent, 25% to grow one or the other variety that created the parent. So it is important to know what went into developing the fruit you enjoy. Of course with any trees, I believe in proper pruning. Dropping the fruit the first 3 years so the tree can establish itself and then allow it to grow the fourth year while dropping fruit in areas of abundant growth on a thin branch. I continue to prune and drop fruit so the fruit that grows is at its best and is not hard on the tree. I am a noob and still learning. I do tons of research and experimenting. It is the only way to learn. Love sharing ideas with like minded people so thank you so much for sharing with me. <3

hey gardengranny...looks like you already found Ini and Wren... @mountainjewel. i'll post their link here for others. they are growing fruit trees from bare root, grafting..and collecting wild specimens and eat and grow!!!!!!!! paw paw IMO is such a great example of wild fruit.... that can taste AMMMMAZING...when left continue creating new offspring in large numbers. here they are collecting wild paw paw in Missouri. eatin' and poopin/spreadin' seeds across the land forests lol!!! a

HECK YES!!! Bare root or bust! I love what you're bringing here. THis info could mean the difference between inspiration and failure for someone wanting to get planting.

It's also reminding me once again on getting some hybrid zaiger genetics. Plus... Who dones't like digging when it's cold out! I love working when it's cool enough to warrant not being naked.

I love it. We're stoked to pick up a dozen heritage apples and pears and a Che in a few weeks. The nurseryman calls them zombie fruit.

Keep it up brother.

heck yesssss!!!!! you two know!!!! ;) i COMPLETELY agree....that it can mean the difference of failure and inspiration...when it comes to getting a food forest off the ground!!!!!! it's why i hope others look at bare root vs. thinking they can just get their forest going from seeds of fruit...or what's available at home depot. i just love YOUR love of fruit tree genetics...and grafting. oh'll LOVE the zaiger genetics...dave wilson trees!!!!! i love this time of year too....and often get more work done during these colder months than i do during the warm lol!!! oh man...a DOZEN...heritage pears and apples....from a local nurseryman!!!!!!??? zombie fruit!!! my gosh two are just in a field of your far as people doing this...and it's inspiring beyond measure to me!!!!! i'm just so grateful you're capturing it for this blockchain..and dtube so i can follow along with my perma grin!!!!! please keep it coming to my friends!!!!

you are so sweet Jake! Ini & I really appreciate you and i'll make sure he sees this message <3 <3 <3

i love you both so much!!!!! i can hardly wait...for ya'llz #dtubensap .... today....please bring it ON!!!!! :)) you're such an inspiring team wren!!!! yeeeeehawwww!!!!!

Perfect timing.

We started ordering seeds yesterday. Now we're starting to talk about trees. I wonder if it get hot enough here for almonds...

Almonds, goji, and peaches would be nice to start. I'm thinking a front yard food forest would be really cool. Replace our big oaks with nut trees as they die, and add an understory of fruit trees. Next spring, it may start becoming a reality.

nice!!!! seeds on the way!!!!! order the grow organic catalog...i think you'll enjoy just reading through the different options...for some of their bare root but there's SO MANY good tree growers and providers of genetics. on dave wilson's can look at the root stock it's grown on...and what areas of the country/climate zone they recommend certain varieties for. good question on almonds with low chill hours. some of the varieties have much less chill hours. dave wilson's site...lists them very well. i wonder if any local nurseries...carry them. that's always a good sign..if they do. ;) bro...i can see your dream coming a reality each day!!!!!!!!!! peaches are still my fave!!!!! it's gonna be a great coming year!!!!!!!!

A plueberry sounds absolutely amazing, and quite willy wonka!!! It's not bareroot season here, but I really should get around to planting more fruit trees...

oh watch this for a good time @riverflows !!!! i testify! sooooooooo good!!!!!!!!! lol...sooooo WONKA!!!! :)"

Bare root, great genetics, DFood, LETSSS GOOOO!!
So felt brother ❤️😁

your videos and testimony of WHY bare root fruit trees are among the best on the internet!!!!!! DFOOD...bare root, great genetics....LET"S GOOOOO!!!!!! watch this my friends...

to really go down the zaiger genetics rabbit hole..and learn more...WATCH THIS VIDEO! so inspiring!!!

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