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RE: DTubeSnap | Him Cooking Carrot (and garlic and onion) Omelette

in #dtubesnap6 years ago (edited)

One of my oldest dearest friends has a son who is thriving after surviving CDH.
I hadn't heard of it before. Our son's share a birthday too actually, he was born exactly one year after mine.
He is a robust little guy, full of energy. He had to Fight to stay in this world and has an incredible amount of spirit. The doctors and nurses were amazed at how soon he was home. I know it is not always such a success story, my friend is in an fb group. Amazing kids with amazing parents.
You are doing an amazing job caring for him and making time for your other children too.
PS your bumbum post made me laugh. Love it!


This makes me tear. Tears of joy and hope.

When I read you said thriving after surviving CDH, it gave me a sense of hope. My CDH son is full of life too.

Haven't heard about the GB group. So I may join the group as well. I get alot of emotional support from other CDH FB group, it helps us think we are not alone in this.

Thank you so much for encouraging words. It lifted up my spirit.

For the bumbum post, glad it made you laugh. 😄👍

This is the Australian group that she is in. I don't think it is important where you live in the world (except that some babies are not as lucky to have the medical care) geography is not otherwise relevant, mothers are mothers. The brilliant thing about the web is that it connects people who would otherwise feel completely alone in their situation. As caring as your friends no doubt are, no one knows what you are going through like another cdh mother. I am in groups for my own personal issues, that feeling that you don't need to explain everything to be understood is something that has brought me to tears. It is a sad relief to feel such a connection, but that relief becomes a very strong bond. I have not been using discord lately (I locked myself out) but I can give you her contact on steem chat if you would like to connect with her. We have been friends for a long time, she is beautiful, and has established a network of friends who are going through this. Her son is now 3 yrs old. Xxxx

I see. I am in CDH Malaysia group myself as well as other CDH global groups. Since CDH Australia will most likely for Australians, so I will just be in CDH Malaysia.

that feeling that you don't need to explain everything to be understood

Totally get what you mean. And it is true when other people have never been in your situation, they will never truly understand no matter how hard they try. And a support group helps so much in this.

I don't mind to connect with her. Although I don't use Discord alot. And I don't really use steem chat. But yes, it is my pleasure to connect with her. My son with CDH is 4 years old now.

Thank you @girlbeforemirror in your help to connect us. And I am so blessed to know you. :)

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