Meeting up for coffee with Dtuber/Steemian @Slayerkm! (Daily vlog #38)

in #dtubedaily6 years ago (edited)


It's official! I have met another Steemian/Dtuber in real life! Me and @slayerkm met up for some coffee and a walk around our local city. Discussing all things Steem and big plans for the future of the fantastic @dtubedaily community.

Even though it rained pretty much the whole time and the temperature was 20 degrees lower than what we would have liked, we had a great time and I was able to get some content to complete the 'Show me your city' challenge, which will be in tomorrows video!

Huge thanks for @slayerkm for coming out today for an awesome meetup and enjoying copious amounts off coffee with me, we'll definielty have to do it again soon, and who knows, maybe next time some more of my fellow Dtube and Steemit family can join us!

Coffee, crypto-talk, sightseeing and vlogging in public for the first time, today was a great one!

▶️ DTube

Awesome buddy!! Next up, all of us meeting at the beach! Lol

Winny out...for now ;)!

I’m totally down for that! Better get my speedo ready!

Thank you @tim.clarke for being my tour guide haha, but no in all seriousness it was great to talk crypto and vlog together in public!!!!!!! Had a blast and cannot wait for more meetups!

YES! We'll definitely have to do it all again, lets hope next time the sun is shining! Can't wait to see your vlog!

Great to see the second DTubeDaily meet-up. I hope you guys had fun and some intersting chat. It’s just like @myndnow says if all of this is continuing to grow so fast we will very soon have a DTubeDaily meet-up with everyone! Just need to find a location which everybody agrees with haha :D

We had a great time, it seems quite surreal how quickly the community has developed and now we are all connecting in person as well. In just a couple of day you and Winny will be doing the same! Definitely up for a big meetuo with everyone, that’ll be such a fantastic experience!

I’m also coming for you @tim.clarke, @slayerkm, @adetorrent and @sergiomendes! We should definitely have a UK meet-up this summer. Maybe @harshilpatel can also join us as he’s planning to visit Europe after Thailand.

Yes! I’m all for making that happen!

Yes that would be crazy!!!

Very nice i wish i was there too

@slayerkm I’m coming for you👆👉 good on you for stepping outside your comfort zone!

Meet up! Very cool that you guys got a chance to get together. Next up....I'm comin' over there at some point boys.

ahh, this vlog gives me so much joy! Can't wait to see your video tomorrow (I'll be in another city so it might take a few days until I watch it!)

@slayerkm No yoghurt? What kind of meetup is this!

Ah this is great guys. It does feel amazing to meet people in real life. We're building something here!

So nice to see another succesfull dtubedaily collaberation :D

😍 This is amazing! Soo happy that you guys got to meet up. I can not wait until more of us get to connect! I am picturing good times on the beautiful beaches of somewhere. My heart just grows more and more when I see how much this community has brought us all together.

Also congrats on the public vlogging, there's kind of a weird thrill in it when you're doing it with someone who understands the struggle haha. 💛

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