
I don't have more time I need mac so that i saw everything fastly.

i'm not exactly sure what you're saying here. you want this done as soon as possible?

yes your are right.I want this early done.

well it's coming asap 👍

LMAO XD lmasssoffloorr

Wow cool bot!

thanks. an alpha version is coming soon 😃

Awesome I can't wait to try it! I will be looking forward to the Mac port. Will there be an option to select or deselect some of the features? Also will there be some sort of log or output that shows you what has happened?

Ok ill go for the mac build first. Im not exactly sure which feature you wanna deselect but most of them can be broken down into smaller functions. For the log im not paying too much attention right now because all your steem activity is already being logged on the blockchain. You can see everything on I can have the same log in a text file as well but it seems kinda pointless.

Sounds cool. I was just thinking it would be nice to deselect the feature to drop followers. I can totally understand how that would be a good thing after a while, but I'm not that far in my experience yet. I'm sure it would be a ton of work, but It would actually be neat to be given a list of non active followers, and then the option to select from that list which ones to drop.

ok i see what you're saying. the problem is once you hit a certain number that list would be unmanageable. it's just too big. i might make it so that you have top 10 most inactive followers. but again, the same problem persists when you're iterating through a big list.
if i do decide to have this it's probably gonna take more time. but i can see how it can be helpful to some people. i'm definitely gonna think about this one. thanks for your input.

awesome post...

thanks 👍

This sounds like an awesome bot! Will stay tuned :)

thanks! more updates are definitely coming 👍

Please keep me updated because I may be doing a tutorial for @helpie (they're cool, you should check them out), and would like to include your bot in the discussion if it's up and running. If you're on facebook HMU Bennett Italia. Thanks my friend and best of luck!

i've been real sick lately so i haven't been working but i'll be coming back real soon!

Oh, I'm sorry to hear it, hope you recover quickly :)

Making so that you get real followers is tricky business. I think vidme fell because it was made in such a way that there was barely any real followers. Ones it fell alot of people just jumped back to youtube and it didn't seem like anyone managed to drag any followers with them. Vidme just disappeared like Nazi-regime, it was and it never realy was. But luckily I think steemit handles that much better.

wow - this sounds really cool.
i wish i had these programer skills to set up a social bot for my project.
I follow you to check out whats going on with your app.

Greetings from Paraguay

thanks i've been sick recently so i haven't been updating, but i'm coming back soon.

wow, it was awesome !


Thats my man! i was thinking of programming this as well; you saved me time; i will use yours of course!; thanks man; and i will profetize this to the new steemit users im introducing as well; thank you;

Thanks im planning to upload this tomorrow so you can download. I got it working in mac as a standalone.


windows might take longer. the biggest problem is steempython simply doesn't work on windows10. i haven't tried it in other versions. i'll try to have it asap, but i can't say it'll be soon.

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