DTube Tutorial - Everyday Magic!

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Greetings Steem Stars!

Sam here with more inner game guidance for your Steemit and DTube success!

Today, we are going to do some MAGIC!

In fact, this is magic that you can do every day and, if you do, I guarantee that it will change the reality that you live in.

This is all about creating simple daily rituals to feel as positive as you can in any situation.

Ritual sounds like a magic word. However, the definition of a ritual is “any practice or pattern of behaviour regularly performed in a set manner.”

Most people are therefore carrying out rituals every single day. Unfortunately, they are unconscious of them and they are often having a negative impact on their life.

An example could be someone waking up in the morning and while lying in bed, starts running through everything they're dreading about the day –

“It’s raining, the traffic’s going to be terrible, I haven’t done that report, my boss is going to have a go at me, it’s going to be a shit day…………” and this pattern of thought and feeling continues throughout the day.

Guess what? They notice the things that confirm what they are thinking and prove themselves right. Every day.

We create

We look for proof

And we attract

The situations and results that reflect our dominant thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

At the end of the day, they drive home, reflecting on how awful the day was, slump on the sofa and watch one of the soap operas – downloading other people’s imaginary miserable lives directly into their brain with a couple of beers to numb the pain and go to bed dreading the next day (possibly following a few arguments with strangers on Facebook)…….rinse and repeat.

So, what else is possible?

The process I teach in this video is the quickest way to consciously generate a positive emotional state by bringing the electromagnetic fields of your heart and brain into coherence.

It seems ridiculously simple, and it is!

Yet building this happy habitual ritual for just a few minutes, a couple of times a day can change everything for you.

It is even more effective if you also address your limiting beliefs and emotional blocks with EFT Tapping, as demonstrated in my previous VLOGs.

Try it - it will change your life!

Sam x

▶️ DTube

Love the magic thumbnail bro!! Lol you're full of simple and easy guidance for us all to get forword in the drivers seat of our lives! Keep sharing the love man 👍

Cheers bro! Just worked out how to add those special effects today - expect all manner of thumbnail ridiculousness from now on.

More valuable content for the MIND. 🎯 We WILL continue to "see" or attract that which we give our focus and energy to. Conscious Awareness baby. It's the only game in town 🙏

Hey bro!

Thanks for your good content. I will be one of your followers! I am building my own blog but for some reason I do not have the espected impact :(

If you have a minute to check out one of my posts: https://stееmit.com/@improv/sizzling-5minutefreewrite I will be forever your fan!

Great job eftnow!

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