
Bravo Cams, bravo! IMO there is no doubt. The clincher is how you felt (lighter) after having made the decision - that's the one. Yeah man, dropping what you don't wanna do (the anxiety etc tells you this) for what you DO want to do (unchaining your blocks :) is always the way to go. To do otherwise is to act from fear and scarcity (losing the income). Part of the courage is having confidence in yourself and in the co-operative flow of the universe once you have taken that initial breakout step........... that's what I think Cams.

Cheers Barge. I let my feelings guide me and was actually surprised at how easily my decision just slipped right out before I'd even really been aware. I feel good about it today. Thanks for the feedback my friend.

Well done @camuel, it cant have been an easy thing to do! I know you will be a success, you are too talented not to be.
I think the idea of tuition was interesting, would you do it online?

I have often thought that a udemy type website on the blockchain would do well. You could create a course online and get paid in STEEM :-)

Thanks Phil - that means a lot. I've done a few video tutorials on DTube but just to test the waters. I'm looking firstly at IRL teaching with locals and have some ideas on how to use tech to do that. I'm also going to take some lessons that I know will do my playing and skills some good but also it'll show me how online teaching actually works so that I can learn that aspect of it too. I haven't seen udemy - I'll take a look at that. Thanks for the tip!

I'm sure that was a tough conversation, but as you say, often times we feel a bit lighter after we get those things off our shoulders. I wish you nothing but success my friend.

Being a musician can be tricky. Im glad that you were able to discuss that and work it out with your buddy. I love playing guitar and drums. I have been a musician since I was a kid too. Working with people in bands is a slippery slope because there are so many things going on in everyones lives. Best of luck to you. Thumbs up!


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