500 Followers and 120 Days

in #dtubedaily6 years ago

Yo yo my steemies, wattup?

Tonight's vlog is to commemorate my 120 days on steemit.

Also, yesterday, I hit the 500 Follower mark.


I never thought 4 months ago, that anyone would really be interested in what i had to say, so i just jumped on, and just did it for me. The result has been extremely gratifying.

Achievements listed in tonight's vlog include;

85 Blogs

91 Vlogs

17 DTube collabs

15 DSound collabs

My first delegations (200SP)


▶️ DTube

Wow congratulatiom on achieving this milestone of 500 followers on steemit, the achievement that you have attain is as a result of your hardwork , dedication and consistency in producing useful and quality content I'm the platform. Once again congrats and more greater achievement ahead @bobaphet

Thank you very much for your kind words of support.

Thank you very much for your kind words of support.


Thanks bro.

Congratulation @bobaphet

Thank you :)

samp29861ee3c4a1f7ce.jpgCongratulation for the both achievement

Thank you very much :)

Congratulations bobaphet, the sky is your limit.

Thank you :)

Amazing dude ! Much congratulations for the payout of you hard work :) These numbers are smelling like success !

Hope you will never stop creating content for us and we could make a colab some day !

Thanks man. Hit me up next time you see me on discord, i love collabs :)

Okay that's cool :) I'll hit you up ! :D

Congrats @bobaphet you have accomplished alot and will do alot more in the future i wish u all the luck man

Thanks man, you too :)

Congrats and mad props for continuously sharing your optimism, life experience and healthy advice with the masses, Bob. Subscriber since the Dark Outside late night poem video :)

Hi @beyonder,
Sorry, I somehow missed this comment on the day.
Yes, I still remember our conversation from dtube discord

And I forgot to show you the greenhouse I assembled! Growing tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers there! P1390103.JPG

Oh wow!
That's awesome.
I would love to live in a big greenhouse. Imagine how oxygen rich it would be in there :)
You'd just have to have a separate sealed area to spend the night hours, when things change :)

Oh you mean something like this!

Not exactly, that's more like a greenhouse built around a house. I'd just like a greenhouse with rooms :)

Actually I'm very happy for you. But what would make me happier would be if you make Steemit or just being a internet personality your full time job. I don't know, I think you deserve all your success and more. Hope you do better everyday.

Thank you very much.
Wouldn't it be great if we all could do that some day :)

Not everybody deserves it, nor everybody wants it. But it would be great if the ones who really try and are entertaining the viewers get that chance, like you. I'm seeing an upcoming e-celebrity.

Haha thanks, I appreciate the kind words.

Good work mate and boy has the time gone by quick.

It's crazy how quick time is going LOL

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