Travel Pro Eats #69: A Budget Lunch on the Streets of Odessa Ukraine! (2 min video)

in #dtube5 years ago

Hey there friends and followers. In this short two minute video I show you how to turn three US dollars into lunch and dinner! Being a budget traveler for over 13 years I've had to learn some money stretching strategies and here in Ukraine you can really stretch your money for miles if you know what you are doing.

On the streets of Odessa I found a Kebab Shop that makes these giant chicken shwarmas for very little money. I walked past here on the way to and from my 230 dollar a month apartment almost every day. I always saw a crowed of people around this street stand, so I new it must be good and it was! Now come along and let's see what you get for just a few dollars in Odessa Ukraine!

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Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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How to Live Travel Pro! An In-depth Guide on How to Budget Travel Around the World.

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DELICIOUS and more than affordable. You are making me want to visit Ukraine ASAP! :) I REALLY appreciate and enjoy your blog. :) Your Friend @extraterrestrial :))) P.S. I love your posts so VERY much I am enjoying them on my Saturday night. :)))

Awesome ET. So glad I can bring you and others with me as I move around the planet!

You are more than appreciated! :) The STEEMIT COMMUNITY is so VERY blessed to have you! :) Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)))

that's a good, reliable way

Mouth watering shawarma😋

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And your post reminds me that it is time to have lunch 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha. That is great!

Wow cool tagline for yourself, expert traveller.
I would like to know how do you fund yourself travel for 13 years ?

Thanks buddy. I'm happy I grabbed the name too! This is the question that everyone asks me. I can not answer it in a few sentences. So I wrote an ebook. It's linked to the end of each blog post. If you really want to know I suggest you have a look. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! -Dan

Wow you have an e book. Is it free?
Are you a full time traveller?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes it's free. Yes, I travel always. Life style choice that I enjoy ;) Just check the link at the end of every blog post.

thanks share, travel vlog about review food.

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