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RE: Being Mean to Statists

in #dtube6 years ago

Larken -

Holding a person accountable is an act of respect as surely as vengeance is an act of justice.

Individuals embracing statism are initiating aggression and their action forfeits their control over the outcome of retaliation to their aggression. It follows that statists are not entitled to debate, any debate extended to them is charitable which includes pity. Statists are not entitled to charity. Statists are not entitled to pity.

"All statist positions are cowardice." - Larken Rose

Cowards are some of the most dangerous individuals (and collectives) on the planet. The cult of statism has sheltered exposure of the statist (globalist) climate engineering agenda for seven decades. The present trajectory outcome for this aggression is planetary omnicide 2026. In exercising my virtue of selfishness I will not feign respect for statists who intend to turn two blind eyes to the truth and cowardly seek shelter in sophist masturbation about an imaginary aggression manifesting emotions of shame within their own body. Emotions are byproducts of thought processes not vice versa. Statists have banked enough unrepentant aggression to expect the worst from their own cult members, let alone the voluntaryists who know what they are. In contrast I myself know the blessing of pure hatred in my heart and it is empowering.

The justice of an act of vengeance characterized by me not lifting a finger to impede the cannibalism of statist versus statist is within my philosophical right of retaliation against statist aggression. Vengeance is a dish best served cold, and in these end days I will allocate the coldest to collective psychopathy and minuscule differentiation to individual sociopathy. To the traitors that peddle their "shame" sophistry, I look forward to their screams in the night. The human life-form is not a comfort zone experience. There is no future for men who don't man up.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

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