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RE: CDU politician found dead with gunshot wound to head

in #dtube5 years ago

I think this partly happened... At the last elections votes for him be thrown away. For sure this is not the first time.

He was the 2nd big party but even if he would be the biggest they would not let him reign.
If all little parties join together they are bigger as he is.

Fact is they are afraid of him. The things he warned for so many years now suddenly other politicians use in their program.
The media is never objective and is busy for years to brainwash people.

The danger is he speaks the language of the people.
Killing him is something they can not do after Pim Fortuyn is killed and next Theo van Gogh was shot.

The Kalergi plan is used to build one EU state.
Search for it on the internet. This plan was made long before Hitler came.

It is about genocide.
Killing Jews and all the races of Europe by making a new race.
Women/girls are needed.. If they don't want they will be forced (raped).

It explains why police and governments do not care. This is their plan.

A new politician came with the FvD (forum for democracy), many voted for him because they knew nobody would let Wilders ever reign and they keep manipulating and cheating the elections.

Also our prime minister labeled those who vote for Wilders as low educated, stupid, a social (many high educated people voted for him but they say if they tell it they lose their job.

I do not think the people will accept this forever. Sooner or later they fight back or leave.

Posted using Partiko Android


Very good answer. Thank you. I did see that in a recent Provincial election, another anti-Islam, anti EU party won. So that is good news. Today's news of assassination of a globalist German member of Merkel's party, who told Germans if they didn't like it (mass muslim immigration) they could leave Germany, could be Merkel's excuse to stop pretending she is other than a Stasi communist totalitarian.

I think we all know what Merkel is and the fact she says she has nothing to hide says enough.
It would be a great start of these leaders start taking in about 50-100 "refugees" themselves.
Their houses are big enough and Angela Merkel might like the company of the group.

Who wants them should take care of them and give the good example.

Posted using Partiko Android

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