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RE: The Trump Admin Detains Another Man Without Trial or Charge

in #dtube5 years ago

As interpreted by the USG, no one, American citizen or not, has any rights whatsoever. Under Obama a US citizen was assassinated in Yemen without any charges of any kind, and worse, the person specifically killed was a child. If American children can be lawfully assassinated by the USG then there is no law.

This certainly does not excuse the Trump administration for holding either American citizens or foreign nationals indefinitely. But enslaving men in captivity leaves them alive, which acknowledges at least a right to life. I am no fan of any of the puppets seeking our harm in government office, neither Obama nor Trump. Shooting American children with drones who have never been accused of any wrongdoing whatsoever leapfrogs any precedent Trump could set by putting adults in prison, and demonstrates that these officials recognize no rights of any kind to pertain to persons, even Americans.

Not even children. FYI, that assassination happened late in Obama's second term IIRC. The 16 year old boy was searching for his father, an American accused and assassinated by the USG for being a 'preacher' for ISIS. Lysander Spooner was right about the Constitution.

Scribbles on paper do not defend anyone or anything.


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