rouge one easter eggs with star wars rebels characters

in #dtube6 years ago

Have you seen Rogue One yet? Are you planning on seeing it again? I bet you missed some things. We know we did the first time around! Here's our guide to all the Rogue One Easter eggs I've noticed. We are not going to be talking about the actual story of Rogue One, so technically this isn't a story line spoiler, BUT we will be covering a lot of the Easter eggs in it, so if you don't want to know them, stop reading now! Before you check it out though sign up to our newsletter here to get more cool geeky updates like this.


Minutes into to film, the first one we noticed was at Jyn Erso's house, when they show her mother in the kitchen there's a nice shot of a jug full of blue milk!

The next one would be the colour of the kyber crystal that is given to Jyn by her mother. It is clear/white. Here's where the new cannon comes into play. Star Wars has always made it clear that the dark side has red sabers and the light side mostly blue and green (and many others). This serves visually useful as it helps the us as viewers know who is who. But what's the story behind them? Can a Sith use a blue or green lightsaber? In the new Star Wars novel, Ahsoka, by E. K. Johnston, it explains quite clearly that they simply can't!

Considering the fact that Kyber crystals choose and present themselves to their desired Force user, dark siders can't experience that same connection to the cystals. The only way that dark side Force users can obtain kyber crystals is by stealing them or they may plunder them off the bodies of fallen Jedi, and when taking a kyber crystal from a green or blue lightsaber, the act of bending the crystal to their will in a new lightsaber will cause the crystal to “bleed” and therefore, it will turn it red.

As shown in a battle with Ashoka and an inquisitor. She rips the 2 kyber crystals from the sixth brothers double blade. It explodes and kills him. Once she has them in her ownership, they automatically get purified and cleansed and they turn white. Since she has no affiliation, her lightsabers remain to glow white. This shows us that white is the kyber crystals neutral state, as also shown in Rogue one.

The next one of our Rogue One Easter eggs is an announcement made over the intercom at the rebels base in Yavin that simply says "General Syndulla, please report"
Now this could be one of two very important twilek characters. It could be that after working out their indifferences, Hara Syndulla's father, Cham Syndulla, may have joined the rebellion once again. And being that he fought as a resistance fighter during the clone wars, he just may have climbed the ranks! Alternatively, this call for "General Syndulla" could very well be the one we're all hoping for, Hara Syndulla herself! Which would confirm that she is alive and well and being the leader she was born to be!

"The ghost" is the next goodie in our Rogue One Easter eggs , as seen here. It's spotted above Scarif in the Outer Rim hemisphere, amongst the X-wings and other rebel ships to help Jyn on her mission.

This one is one of my favourites and I really wish it had more screen time. In the rebels base on Yavin 4, a rebels radio officer is listening to the communications system on his headset, then abruptly throws the headset down and races to call out for Mon Mothma screaming "Senator! Senator!" to alert her about "Rogue one" being on Scarif. In the background to the left of the screen, is the loveable rebels droid, Chopper!

The reference to a "black sabre" file in the imperial archives on Scarif, may also have a meaning behind it, just like how the "star dust" file had a meaning to Jyn. It could be referring to the darksaber. The darksaber was an ancient, black-bladed lightsaber. The weapon once belonged to the Jedi Order, but was stolen by the Mandalorians in a conflict with the Jedi during the fall of the Old Republic. The darksaber was passed down, generation to generation, and eventually comes into Sabine Wren's ownership.

Now this one isn't so much an Easter egg, but more of a speculative cameo. On Jedah just before Jyn reunites with Saw Gerrera we see a couple of Saws Gerrera's insurgents. One in particular, seated on the right hand of the screen is a twi'lek who has the same complexion and similar tattoos as Cham Syndulla. Could it be him? Or just an unknown twi'lek? It's hard to tell in a dark lit room where he's only in it for a split second.

Lastly, there's a conversation between two stormtroopers just before getting taken out by Chirrut Imwe.
They are talking about the latest piece of imperial technology. (I don't want to miss-quote the line, but it's something along the lines of "have you heard the T13 is almost marked obsolete?")
This is a nice throw back, as it is a nod to a similar conversation between two stormtroopers in A New Hope while Obi-Wan disables the tractor beam.

Now considering a lot of the Rogue One Easter eggs revolve around Disney XD Star Wars Rebels, I thought give a little honourable mention to something Chirrut Imwe says. He says
"The force moves darkly around a creature who is about to kill".
Not only has it never been depicted this way before, but seeing as he is blind, I thought it gave a cool little insight to how Kanan Jarrus must view things, and what he's capabilities are.

We are sure we missed a few here and there, so if you have any other cool Easter eggs you've noticed, even if it's not Rebels related, please be sure to let us know!

(Leaked poster featuring Saw Gerrera)
Star Wars Rebels will be doing a cross over episode or two with Rogue One, and I will be sure to do a piece on that one too and keep you all up to date! Sign up to our newsletter here to get more cool geeky updates like this.

But for now, may the force be with you!
Signing off,

The ubergeekout team

May the force the with you

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