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RE: What Is Kekistan? Co-Creator of Kek Meme Speaks Out... (This Meme Is A Little Out Of Hand!)

in #dtube7 years ago

smh .......... One of the issues with White supremacy is if we examine it from a Historical Perspective a HUGE aspect of it is Dishonesty. Lying is a war tactic and a strategy. Lies are basically what white people used to take over America; and when lying 'alone' doesn't do the trick, they applied force - and then simply Lied about who was the hero, and who was the villain.

So I could care less what anyone says about what "Kek" really means; We all know what it means. We see who aligns themselves with the Flag; we see how they have used the flag, and represented the flag.

Sure to a white person, these are just jokes - as white people are not the Target of these Violent hate filled militias of Loser Trolls who frankly cannot fight man to man in the street; and Need Weapons; or Police to back them up, as we saw in the Charlotesville as Several of them ran like Cowards when challenged.

Several said "Its just a joke man, just a joke"....

But there are people alive in this country who's Ancestors were Actually Raped, Beat up, Murdered, Hung, Tortured, Terrorized, and nothing is Funny about this shit at all to those people.

So folks who wanna fly that Flag have EVERY right To do so. They just better Understand the Consequences of what they are doing. As that is the way of this world. You don't get to Go to "Blood Hood" in all blue, throwing up Crip Signs and say "I'm just Joking" when Bloods roll up to Smoke you and end your life; You wanna Claim that Kek Gang? Go for it......... There are consequences to the Choices people make.


So I could care less what anyone says about what "Kek" really means; We all know what it means. We see who aligns themselves with the Flag; we see how they have used the flag, and represented the flag.

The examples at the end of the video show that many people disagree with you on the meaning here.

I actually saw the meme in it's early days and was totally confused when I saw it being attached to white supremacists, since it originally had absolutely nothing to do with that at all. When you say "we all known what it means" - what are you basing your understanding of the meaning on?
You could say "we all know what it means" when faced with the schwastika symbol - except that Hitler and the German Nazis actually stole that from Asian groups and it is a very old symbol indeed. How unfortunate for Peaceful Buddhists to be told they are 'bad' because they use a symbol because a heartless dictator stole it a long way away and in a way that they had no control over.

Sure to a white person, these are just jokes -

You are judging here - not only are you putting all light skinned people in a box that credits all of them with no capacity for free thought, but you are also rigidly attaching the Kek idea to meaningless humor - whereas, in truth, it was a method of attempting to help liberate the minds of people who are trapped in their heartless ideologies. In other words, you are attempting to force your own ideology onto people who are attempting to stop such things occurring - all while claiming they are the bad guys.

I don't really know what to say since I have pink skin and will possibly just be conveniently dumped into the box of 'white person who is dumb' - even though I remember a past life where I had dark skin in a tribe. :/

That's the other side of "white supremacy" and it's Historical war Tactics which are no longer a 'mystery' --- They like to use "numbers" -- Numbers does not make you or any of them "Right" however. SO yes; a 'minority' will be "outnumbered" in a debate like this; especially when there are, unfortunately, so many white people who just Refuse to "Do right" and speak out against these Divisive, Hateful Ideas that have done nothing but cause harm to humanity for centuries.

It does not matter 'how many people agree' when it comes to a topic like this. The "Majority" approved of Slavery in this nation 'based on race' - and helped create a system that harms, terrorizes, and oppresses black life; because the folks who Thought that kind of Barbaric Evil b.s. wasn't Okay were "outnumbered" ....

that being said; Since you 'began' your comment off by telling me about 'how many people don't agree' -- I didn't bother to read the rest of what you had to say.

A person who does not Understand the difference between 'Right and wrong' - who uses "numbers of misguided thinkers" as their base for a conversation, do not actually 'deserve' a conversation. Even if they 'want' to have one - because it's just a waste of time. It's a bunch of nonsensical b.s. supporting the idea that it's okay for these Hate Groups TO Exist, and they're Just a Joke, but not a 'real threat' - WHILE white people continue to harm non-white people with "impunity" (which means they face no punishment) - while keeping nonsensical arguments going (additional war tactics; known as Distractions) ----

So who cares what you and others think If you support this kind of hateful Inhumane Thinking; I support the people who want to Punch you all in the mouth; as you do not believe others have a Right to life; so perhaps it's you who does not deserve a right to yours (since that is the stance you take).

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