#STWT Show 29 - 2018 Prediction Show, 2017 Review, Q Anon Flights, Podesta Missing - AMA & More! - DTUBE Version

in #dtube7 years ago

DTUBE Film Summary:

This is the 29th Spitting Truth with Titus Live Show. We did a year review of 2017, going over my 2018 predictions and 2018 predictions from the audience on Steemit and Patreon. I read and answered the ask me anything questions from steemit and patreon as well.

I covered some important news topics that were extremely important. First and possibly most important is that John and Tony Podesta are missing from the public eye, there were a large number of flights to Guantanamo and Donald Trump has basically declared war on Human Trafficking for the month of January 2018, he also launched an executive order against human right's abuses against 13 people. Is this the storm or are we connecting too many dots? Who knows but it is interesting to take a closer look at so we did. Seems either Podesta are missing, both Clinton's still are free, McCain is still free, so not all the perps are in Guantanamo by possibly Podesta is.

I also went over a very odd connection. John Podesta a Roman Catholic Jesuit (self declared), who is a fan of swimming in pools with underage children (see Luzzatto Email), is associated with Russian Billionaire Roman Abramovich (Chelsea Football) who is a massive donor to Hillary Clinton and a friend of Putin. Abromivich shows how tied to the Russians the Clinton Admin is. Abromivich is or has purchased the Roman Emperor Tiberius's Capri Villa where Tiberius famously used to swim in pools with underage children he would call his "little minnows", remember that creepy Podesta photo of 14 and fish, maybe this offers some esoteric insight as to the meaning. The Roman Empire still runs the planet today (The Vatican is the Illuminati), now it is just through proxy, and the same depravity that took place then is happening again now.

A ton more topics were covered. Please enjoy the show.

Ask Me Anything Posts and 2018 Predictions:

Steemit AMA: https://steemit.com/newyear/@titusfrost/2018-prediction-show-and-ask-me-anything-post-for-stwt-show-29

Patreon AMA: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-ama-2018-16129194?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare

Links to Topics Discussed Tonight:

  1. John Podesta and the possible connection to Emperor Tiberius "Little Minnows": https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth/status/946965771602849792
  2. Roman Abramovich friend of the Clinton's buying Tiberius's palace in Capri and tied to Russia collusion by the Clinton Administration: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth/status/946967146135019521
  3. FBI Agent Peter Strzok article regarding the Russia Investigation: https://twitter.com/PoliticalShort/status/946780223042752512
  4. @TLAVagabond Year End show with @LiftTheVeil411 as well: https://youtu.be/vlAzf3lOpLY
  5. Shadow Proof Article about Clinton and Abramovich and Putin: https://shadowproof.com/2016/08/29/hillary-clinton-connected-to-grand-godfather-of-extreme-nationalism-putin/
  6. Donald Trump declares January as Anti Human Trafficking Month: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/president-donald-j-trump-proclaims-january-2018-national-slavery-human-trafficking-prevention-month/
  7. DHS Blue Human Trafficking PizzaGate Advert: https://youtu.be/PNkl4B7rvHY
  8. Flight Log list of flights to Gitmo, is this the Storm? Was Q Anon right? Who knows: https://twitter.com/AAGabriel777/status/946953783812136961
  9. FBI Raid in Sterling, is Awan being raided? https://twitter.com/cosmeclaire/status/946950538549256192
  10. Podesta's last tweet: https://twitter.com/johnpodesta/status/942559857772781568
  11. Jared Beck tweet about Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas: https://twitter.com/JaredBeck/status/946449203332567041
  12. Slick's Tweets tweet about Rome: https://twitter.com/SlicksTweetz/status/946973252248682496
  13. BitCoin Exchange CEO kidnapped: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-29/bitcoin-exchange-ceo-kidnapped-leaving-office
  14. 2017 Year in Review Chicago Tribune: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/yearinreview/ct-year-in-review-top-stories-2017-pg-photogallery.html
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Wonderful post! What a good summary of 2017 and predictions of what 2018 has in stock for us. Good

Happy 2018! I predict psyop2017 will come to an end and @titusfrost will follow me back on steemit, and I'll finally get the hang of it!

Good video please also watch for Sydney welcomes 2018 with eight tonnes of fireworks.

fantastic work, keep it up

please check my profile once

Happy new year 2018. Wish you very happy year

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