
Think it would work just using the coconut oil and not the EOs?

(I have yet to acquire them. Too many things in the purchasing priority queue...)

No hurt trying, but those EO's are known for their cellulite reducing and circulatory support. I could send you some through the mail if that's not too weird ;)

Aw, thank you so much for the offer! Heh, not weird but it would be EXPENSIVE for you! It'd be quite a ship from SA to US.

I can get hold of the essential oils. I'm just procrastinating about it and deciding which ones to get. Right now I have bay leaf and peppermint, but I'd like to get lavender and a few others.

I'm in Kentucky. Where r u?!?

Whoops, I got you confused with another beautiful farmer's wife I follow out in South Africa!

We are in Michigan, a much shorter jaunt than Africa.

Kentucky, eh?

Next level recipe would be you making the coconut oil yourself as well!

Haha! Ain't nobody got time for that lol!

I wouldn't know, does that take so long?

Yes you'd have to be able to harvest coconuts and then steam distill them...time and money.


sips coconut water

Haha great lead in with the cottage cheese.

Haha thanks...I couldn't resist

Very Nice Video

In the way you analyzed for thighs, I think we can not have any questions in our mind, very well analyzed, we will all wait for the next day, can read more new articles, what do you think?? @thefarmerswife?? ????

Analyzed thighs.

Oh dear.

I'm new to steemit, if you're with me, then maybe I can learn something steemit, you are too old @Iturner, vote me, comment's me

Hm. Well, one of the big problems that occurs on Steemit comes with people who are doing widespread posts just hoping to get upvotes.

If you comment on someone's post, you have to actually know what the person posted and have a thought you'd like to share. Doing generic "nicely done post" kind of comments will make you look like a spammer instead of a real person. Generally speaking, most people ignore these kinds of comments.

In this case, it sounds pretty funny to talk about analyzed thighs since this post was discussing how to make lotion and wasn't really analyzing anything. My hat's off to anyone posting in a language they don't speak natively, though, because I can only imagine how crazy I'd sound trying to speak another language.

I hope this helps with some beginner Steemit etiquette!

You might be right, but I'm trying to earn money, but I can not earn anything, I can not imagine me, where is my mistake, @Iturner

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