DIY Mint Tea!

in #dtube6 years ago

Baby girl and I dried some tea leaves to make our own mint tea.
Mint is used to:
Aid in Digestion
Treat Nausea and Headache
Clear congestion in nose
Natural stimulant, relieves fatigue and depression
Aid in respiratory disorders and asthma
Skin care
Oral health
I'm sure there's many more ways mint can enhance your every day body function! How do you use mint in your life?

▶️ DTube

I must try it now! Heard many great things about mint and I love tea, so I'm sure I'll love mint tea! How do you make it?

Lots of usages...only have used it for nausea though!

One of my favorite teas,

Waw mint tea is actually great, I tries it once at a friends it was really refreshing. Lovely girl she's got cute smile too

Thanks for commenting:) we love us some mint tea!

Tea is one of my favorite drink and mint tea that's so much. Happy steemig.

Have you tried mixing mint tea with green tea?

I haven't! Should I?

YES! it's really good. Would definitely reccomend non-caffeinated green tea for your baby girl (:

howdy @thefarmerswife, I didn't know mint tea was so healthy my gosh we should all be drinking the stuff! Do you grow your own plants and just dry out the leaves? does homemade tea have caffeine in it? thats what i need.

We do grow our own. It's pretty easy to grow and spreads like crazy. Mint doesn't have caffeine, but you could drink it during the day or at night before bed. I can't drink caffeine before bed or I'd be up all night.

got it. so you cut the leaves off when the plant is big enough and then dry them out in the sun?

Yes! Try to get them before they go to seed!

Congratulation thefarmerswife! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 77min with 28 votes.
Thanks to @souldelas.

Thank you so much for sharing with us this post ♥

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