...and write them on the door-frames of your house...

in #dtube6 years ago

Hey Y'all!

Shabbat Shalom! Today we got to go the in-laws home site and do some writing. We prayed over their home and wrote Bible verses all over the house. We prayed that this home would be a blessing and refuge to all who enter it. That they would feel the joy of God's love and know that this was a home who honors the most High! In my own home I have added God's word beside every door of our home because we weren't here to be able to do that when we built our house. Have you all ever done anything like this?
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Thanks for watching!

▶️ DTube

Shabbat Shalom from the Turners! Bless the Most High God, the one who sent His son, the author of our Salvation!

Shabbat Shalom! And amen!

What a great idea, next time I build something here on the farm we will definitely be doing this. We do have a mazuzah on our from door though.

@hhayweaver we also have mezuzah's but simply forget to put them up. I have to testify there is something really "covenantal and special about actually writing on the doorposts yourself

Now I’m trying to figure out how to get it on my gate ;)

This is so cute and biblical. What a great idea!! I have never done this and I'm thinking to now! Amen to all those prayers prayed over the new place! :)

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You should! It feels so peaceful!

Amen indeed @happycrazycon. I have to testify that there is something really special about writing His Word on your doorposts. Feels like you are acting in Covenant. I love it

How wonderful that you can do it at your in-laws. That's really special, for them and the children. We also wrote on our front door (have a big rock tablet I wrote the 10 Commandments on at the back door). But after re-painting I haven't re-written. Thanks for the reminder @thefarmerswife!!!

Awesome! I try to put scripture all over the house. 10 commandments by the front door!

All over the house is way better! I'm going to start writing it in all our inner doors. Thanks for the idea

His words are spirit and life

Oo I really like that idea! I wrote Deut. 6:4-6 on our entryway doorpost. Then on the rest of the doorposts I anointed them with frankincense while praying Psalm 91.

050D8206-9D80-4D83-903B-8466A4DFB4E0.jpegWonderful! I have this verse from Psalm 91 by my back door.

Where do you find all these decor pieces, and some of your clothes with the sayings on them? One of these days, I will get to decorating this house! It’s always just been on the back burner..

Etsy. Or make them...not the clothes, but the signs. I was buying shirts from walk in love, but they started using questionable symbols to me. So just Etsy now. And I have a great shop in town I can find some cool ones.

You know what I did @hebrewhousewife and @thefarmerswife? I used photos I'd taken of stylized plaques of the 12 Tribes, on my last visit to Israel, up on Har Bracha (the mount of Blessing's Samaritan village). I can share if you're interested? They're really special, and easy to replicate.

Would love to see!

Congrats. May God be with you and your family.,😀

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haha! what a beautiful sight! it's wonderful. you can also anoint it with oil and lay a blood line around the property, very powerful but that's getting more into using our authority.

I remember one teacher who was telling us that he lived in the country but was traveling and while talking to his neighbors they told him that there had been coyotes with rabies in the area, no I think it was wolves.

He said that's no problem for his property. when he got home he found two wolves dead on his property line because he knew his authority and had laid a blood line around his property. they fell dead when they hit his property. ha! love accounts like that. Bless you all! this is a great witness!

There’s a lot of protection in establishing our boundaries for our Father. How did he lay down a blood line?

it's all about knowing our authority. we have been involved in spiritual warfare over our kids and grandkids for decades so we had to learn how to fight because the enemy is after our families. My guess is that probably 95% of the Believers don't know their authority nor how to use it so they are sitting ducks for the enemy.

that's why you see Christians taken out by the same things of the world like sickness, disease and financial disasters but we are not called to be like the world, which I know you know, we are called and commanded to be conquerers but in order to do that we must know our authority.

In this particular case this was a spirit-filled preacher and he drew a bloodline by faith. usually people who do this, and I have seen many miracles concerning this method and property..usually they walk the property lines and declare a hedge of protection and bleed the blood of Jesus over it, and using what scriptures pertain to that, I don't recall which ones. It is activated by faith though so faith has to be built up for this type of thing.

Bottom line though is that we see Christians getting their brains beat out by the devil and devastated because they think God will take care of them. What they don't realize is that God has given THEM the responsibility and authority to rule in life and conquer the enemy.

There is a great case to be made that God is not going to answer a prayer for something which He has given US the power and authority to take care of. and THAT is why much of the Church is being decimated.

probably should go to discord for further discussion because this isn't my post! lol.

Yes sir, I agree with every bit of what you just said. I have been learning a lot about spiritual warfare (whether to demons/evil spirits or with our flesh) over at On That Day Ministries. It’s truly sad that some of these Christians who have accepted Jesus and live for Him are missing all of this Truth. I pray that they one day wake up.

OK..I give up! @dtube refuses to play. But I do love this idea and if I build a home I will do the same thing. I currently have a mazuzah.

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