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RE: SOOOO Excited To Be On DTUBE! | What I Meant By Regulation & Censorship | Furious Pete

in #dtube6 years ago

Worst case scenario you get downvoted into oblivion and anyone who upvotes you gets blanket downvoted too. Thing is, almost nobody with that much steem power has any real political affiliation. It will take a long time before you see big corporations show up to buy steem to be able to censor content here. And if that does happen we would all become filthy rich. I would be damn near set for life if steem went to 50-100 USD a pop. That in turn would make it even harder to censor as the amount of steem power needed would only go up to counter how much more worth everyone else has.


Yeah that is true what you are saying. But we also already live in extreme abundance we just don’t like to see it that way. Money has been easier to get access to the last 100 years. Now we have so many interesting ways to start to make some serious money just by generate it online. Money will mean less in the future because stuff will become cheaper. As Elon Musk have said. True abundance is coming.

Then it will more be about trust, connections and reputation to thrive! And intelligence of course. The fun thing with these times is that it’s finally the Geeks time to be on top of the food pyramid of life.

It does sort of feels that Steem for sure will easy hit 100 dollars! And the amazing thing right now with your Steem Power is how you are in the top 1% of users on the website! Be rich in life will be defined in other ways. As in who has the most connections and has built up the most love by giving to other humans! That will be the real currency in the new world.

Since money will be so easy to generate. Hey Steem may even hit a 1000 dollars eventually in a couple of years. Then it will all be about how you could re-invest it in other people to get an even more awesome return to keep doing the same thing!

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