Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? An Important Social Issue Debate

in #dtube5 years ago

Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option?

"Marijuana is medicine. This plant-based treatment should be an accessible and affordable healthcare choice for all patients. Scientific data supports its use to treat specific ailments or conditions — research has shown, for example, that it's an exceptionally effective treatment for seizures and chronic pain."


"[T]here really is no such thing as medical marijuana... The dangers and risks of marijuana use are well-known by the scientific community, even if they are downplayed by corporate interests wishing to get rich off of legalization. Apathy, lost productivity, addictive disease, deterioration in intellectual function, motor vehicle accidents, and psychosis are all among the negative outcomes. All from a product that has no demonstrated benefit. For nearly all conditions for which marijuana has purported benefits, we already have existing medications - safe medications - demonstrated to have value."

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