Stop The "Youtuber's Mentality"!

in #dtube6 years ago


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"Youtuber's mentality"...

I've been using youtube for many many years... probably since the start of youtube! The first video that I watched on youtube was a cat video, of course... Back at the beginning of youtube, cat videos were all the hype!

But throughout the ages, youtube got more and more video categories! Gameplays, vlogs, music, comedy, movies, fitness, finance, etc...etc...


Many people made youtube their home! Their work! Their turf! Growing youtube to the business it is today! It all started on 23 April 2005, when the first YouTube video was uploaded! The user base grew, and kept growing, reaching, at the moment, 1.3billion users!

But something changed! Youtube changed! It got greedier! It got more Political correct! It banned gun videos! It demonetized many youtubers! Youtube even demonetized PewDiePie, one of the biggest youtubers!

This actually made me happy! No, not because people would lose their jobs... No one got happy about that! But, because many of those youtubers would seek a better option! A better platform! A new place they could call home! A place where they wouldn't be ruled by Youtube! That place was Dtube!

Yeah! Some changed to Dtube! Some just diversified and now post videos in both places! I see no problem with that! But, they brought something with them! A "disease"! Something that I hope isn't contagious! Something I like to call "Youtuber's Mentality"! Something that has made me not even follow some of this youtubers...

What is "Youtuber's Mentality"? Not giving a crap about the comment section!

People that are familiarized with Steem know pretty well that this is not only a blogging platform but also a social network! We need to socialize over here! But SOME youtubers don't!

Some just post their videos and go on with their life... not even one answer from them to their followers for months! They just post, wait for the upvotes, cash out, and that's it...

Now, I would understand if this was youtube... On youtube some of the big guys get from hundreds to thousands of comments, replying to all of them is nearly impossible, but this IS NOT YOUTUBE!

First, these youtubers only get 10 or maybe 20 comments per post! It isn't that hard to answer to all of them! It would actually show that they cared about the community we are building over here! About STEEM!I know plenty of Steemians that get 50 or more comments and reply to all of them!

Secondly, on Dtube and Steemit we have something called a reputation system! A System that you can check who the biggest and longest Steem supporters have been! You can actually sort the order of the comments through reputation! Answering to at least 10 or 20 comments a day from the longer and upstanding members of steem wouldn't be that hard...

Regardless of that, I'm not going to say names. I'm not here to attack anyone! I'm here to actually do the opposite! I'm here to try to convince the YouTubers that came to Dtube to speak with the community! To communicate and grow roots! We all want what is best for STEEM! We all want to grow this little plant called STEEM into a huge tree! We all want what is best for the world! Monetizing one content at a time! Empowering the powerless and disempowering the powerful!

In the end everyone is free to do what he or she thinks it's best!

Hopefully, one day, Dtube goes worldwide, and we stop saying the word "YouTuber" and start saying the word "DTuber"!

Shoutout to at least two youtubers that always reply to some comments on their dtube videos: @boxmining and @brianturner. Been following you guys even before I came to Steemit, love your videos and love that you take some time of off your busy schedule to reply to some comments!

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Question of the day: Do you think I'm wrong to want youtubers that came to dtube to socialize with the community? What dtubers do you watch that provide good content and info?

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I think, the reason is the different method between youtube and dtube.
On youtube, you earn from view, in dtube, you earn from vote.
Different thinking need for success.
Up here, the community is important, the conversation is important, the real value is important.
On youtube, you made a cat-video, and in a few years, reach 1-2M view or more. It doesnt work here, thanks god :D

So, the youtuber mentality is a simple delusion. They dont see, how the steemit is work.

On youtube, you made a cat-video, and in a few years, reach 1-2M view or more. It doesnt work here, thanks god :D

You hating on cats videos? :P Just kiding

Yeah, hopefully, sooner or later they have to adapt, if they come here and adapt we will see a massive influx of youtube regulars to dtube and steemit!

Thanks for reading!

I like, when the cats work for me, so its not a problem :)
I invite one of my friends from youtube, @tmib , but he said, the dtube is pretty poor, so now i'm trying to convince, use the dlive :)

Dlive is much better imo, i've not been able to watch many of the dtube videos but i've always been able to watch the dlive ones! And since it is videos he can always post them on youtube and dlive and the same time! Double the income!

well I agree with you, I think that answering comments is important. I also want to say that many who just use Steemit fall into the same type of mentality. We all have followers, and yet some of us can post and zilch... no upvotes, no comments. it is discouraging to say the least.

It' hard to keep track of everyone to be honest, atm i have 14 tabs open of steemit to read and comment, answering to comments and keeping up with my followers is soo much fun!!
Hate the youtube mentality, i've actually unfollowed some because they've been posting and not commenting for months!
Commenting, replying and growing the network is how you get new people into the blog, a good blog is what keeps them there

What is "Youtuber's Mentality"? Not giving a crap about the comment section!

That is what most popular youtubers do here exactly, they post their video and don't further care about Steem.

Its simply not worth it for them, makes you realize how much they care about the people that actually give them money and like their content.

I've simply stopped commenting and upvoting some of them... boxmining and brianturner are my guys though, brianturner made me go vegan for 2 years an boxmining provides a lot of info about cryptonews, those 2 i'm very vry happy about having on board...
Imagine if every youtuber did what you say, post a video wait for the payout and cash out... steem would go down big time really fast

I have learned many things from people on the Internet those content I don't consume anymore, but they still enjoy my respect because they really have improved my life.

Victor Pride, Chateau Heartiste, Paul Waggener, Jack Donovan, Varg Vikernes.

I still check out their content here and then because they constantly improve, just like I do.

Heard about Paul and Jack but I don't know any of the others, need to do my research on them, maybe i can learn some new things from them!

This doesn't apply only to youtube, lots of people like that these days... People who come and do the age old Post & dump. People who get into discord channels just to post their posts in #post-promotion...
I ignore these people, but they just keep growing... it's understandable that you can't reply to thousands of comments, but not to 10 or 20... and if you're really serious about the people following you and you can't answer back to them due to the amount, at the very least salute all of them at the end of the video... something like "thanks everyone for your continued support and see you on the next video!"
I hope people join your effort!

Thanks for reading! Yes tottaly agree with you, there are more people with this mentality, but i see it mainly on youtuber's that is why I focused on them, but i've seen some other steemians that do the same... I also saw the contrary, I saw ppl that only posted cars pictures to get a self-upvote worth more then all my weekly posts combined and they actually answered the comments... really weird, but they did...

i have witness this in steemit and it's growing over time. I don't watch many dtube videos mostly none cause it take a lot of time to load as my internet speed is low but way to many steemers are like this.

From what i saw most of them with mentality like this are people with more than 4-5k of steempower. I don't know what they think, maybe they are too important? they have power? and just make posts that goes over 10-30-50$ having support of some more powerful friends and just never replying in comments. They may if that person is even more powerful than them.

When i see people like than even if i like their content i immediately leave as i consider it luck of respect

It's because of our actual social system, steemit is just a microcosm of the human world, if our world is hierarchic and we judge people by their $ or their power, it's only obvious we'll do it too here in steemit... but this is a good platform to promote change, so let's hope for the best. :D

i think most of us already know this. The tricky part is do something about it. The easiest thing is like i and @teutonium said don't follow them and follow others that reply instead. If more and more people start to understand this and especially the new ones who are the majority sooner or later they will give power to new people that don't share the money above everything perspective and new minnows, dolphins, orcas and whales we be made that care about both the platform and its people!

Yeah, and when I see strong people with lots of SP that reply to comments I follow them 100%, I might only check their content once a week but they deserve my follow!

It's a disease, I hope it stops spreading before we are similar to youtube...

I don't think that's a youtuber's mentality per-se. Once they start growing they can't reply to every comment and replying to a few among hundreds or thousands of them will give you the impression they don't care. It's just the way things are.

Personally I ignore most comments here myself since the quality is pretty poor. Replying to "Nice post" or "Follow me" type comments just isn't worth it in my opinion. When one genuine comment does come around it feels like Christmas, I'm more than happy to reply to those and give an upvote if I can. Anyway, this is just one perspective from a "youtuber". ;)

Go look at any of my posts from the last 2 weeks, i haven't had 1 single comment saying nice post and follow me... to be honest i don't know why...

I've seen youtubers on dtube get 20 comments, some of them from the biggest steemians, even whales getting ignored by them... i'm not saying to anwser to every comment on youtube, but on dtube there aren't that many, and i actually gave a way to filter out that "nice post" "follow me" comments, just sort the comment through reputation, you won't see anyone above 60 rep saying nice comment follow me... speaking with the viewers is in my opinion a MUST!

BTW I too ignore the "nice post" "follow upvote me" comments, some i just reply a quick thanks, other i reply "next time you are getting a flag for spamming"...

Regarding the replying to youtube comments, my man Dan Lok on youtube replies to some comments, i never commented but makes me glad that i follow him because at least this way i know he cares, he might not be able to answer to everyone but at least he answers to a few

Thanks for reading! Come back any time good replies are ALWAYS welcomed!

Hmm, yeah, I have no explanation why you don't attract those low effort commenters. :P It's a pretty big epidemic here otherwise, so count yourself lucky.

And thanks for the tip about sorting comments. :)

One way to let viewers know you appreciate their comment when you don't have time or can't think of anything to reply with is to just leave a like here or a heart on youtube. Leaving a heart on youtube sends a notification to the commenter so they absolutely know you've seen their comment. It's a nice way to let people know that they haven't gone unnoticed. And I see a lot of youtubers using it, myself included. If somebody isn't even doing that, then they're just being lazy. I don't know why anybody would follow someone like that tbh.

I've seen those hearts going around, BTW leave your youtube channel here if you want, i dont mind xD I'm actually curious to see who you are on youtube, probably never seen any of your videos since i've been focused on the finance guys and crypto guys atm...

I see you followed me here already, you don't need to do that if you're not into that kind of thing. :P My content's super niche, but I like doing it and it scratches that need to create something itch. :) If you want to see my face, you can check out my newest DLive streams. ;) However, I stopped streaming for the time being. Got too many corrupted recordings that way. Once I get a new PC I might give it another shot. Capturing good footage for my main content always comes first though. If streaming screws that up in some way then I'll stop again.

Also, the videos are the same both here and on youtube, so it doesn't really matter which platform you follow me on currently. But after the latest DLive update, I'll probably go DLive exclusive with my next series. Youtube is screwing over smaller creators too much lately, it's time to jump ship before it sinks and DLive works well enough for me to do that. I don't want to leave my Youtube followers behind completely though, so my current plans are to do a series on DLive, then release the entire thing as one video on Youtube. That way my Youtube channel won't be completely dead and it should incentivize my more loyal fans to come over here. :)

I streamed and youtubed a little some years back, nothing much it was just a playthrough of outlast 2, was super cool to do... but my computer can't handle all the stress of streaming and playing... 6gb ram you know...

Going to check it anyways, i'm always glad to watch other's people's content, you never know...

Well, I hope you end up liking it. :)

Luckily I play mostly on consoles so my PC only has to handle the streaming and capturing. But even that proved to be too much. Having so many windows opened at the same time really made things unstable.

Never played the Outlast series, but it's on my to do list somewhere. Along with hundreds of other games I can't wait to play. :P

I loved outlast, and outlast 2 actually has a depper story/meaning if you search around the internet, i played it twice, the first time just to play, the second time was after reading stuff and theories about what was happening during the whole gameplay!

Yeah i enjoyed your videos, you just need to communicate a little more with the audience...i've seen many big streamers say that, when they started they talked and made the same things they do for 4 people or 0 people that they do with hundreads or thousands of people...
Back when i tried streaming I actually put a sticky on top of the viewer count and did my own thing as I wanted without caring if I had 0 viewers or 10 viewers

This reminds me of what happened in music.
It used to be enough to just release the album and let the dollars rain down.
Then torrenting came along and gutted that business model, now they need to tour, to actually interact with the fans in order to rake in the big bucks.
Ultimately this is great for the consumer, and for those stars quick to adapt.

I did not know this!! I was a little too young to remember a time pre-torrent, I was born in 94, I was 6 when the whole internet thing exploded, and before I was 6 the only 2 things I cared about were food and when the cartoons were on :P

Well, they are just humans, I think socializing with the viewers is a great way to make the viewers relate to them...

In my opinion, we live in a time of abundance ( at least on developed countries, African countries still need and will catch up to us), in this time of abundance the ones who develop the strongest ties to the consumers are the ones that win! This means the dtubers, musicians, etc... who speak and bond with the viewers are the ones that will win, or at least I hope it will be like this...

Thanks for reading! Come back any time good replies are ALWAYS welcomed!

Naturally all the middlemen loudly bemoaned the death of the music industry.
Turns out it was just a rationalisation.
Unproductive people found themselves snatched from the teat, which left more for the actual producers.

It's the way the world works... either we live and adapt or we die by the pressure of natural selection! Darwin 101 xD
Youtube actually came around and made the music industry very profitable again! And, don't know if you've heard about it but utorrent was actually bought by the CEO of the crypto Tron, they might very well implement a sort of monetization system where torrenting becomes more profitable then ever before for musicians!

I remember Sandi Thom's Punk Rocker.
She was the first big name to be discovered by the internet community.
I remember thinking we'd never have heard of her if the old guard were still in charge.

Wooow, searched on youtube, i hadn't listened to her in years!! So she was one of the firsts... well i'm glad, it's like any new tech, some lose jobs while others find them!

Blockchain will probably make many systems obsolete and put many people out of jobs, but it will also provide a lot of new jobs, and a lot of new ways to distribute the money around the world! Making the world a better place in the process!

We just need to embrace evolution and be ready to adapt!

I'm in full agreement that Dtubers should be engaging with those who leave comments on their posts. Why wouldn't they? While good content attracts comments and upvotes, replying and engaging helps to keep those viewers coming back, and maybe even following. In fact, it might be the best way of creating a following that matters, and not just filled with autofollower accounts or other bots.

I think most creators appreciate hearing from those who view or read their works. Well, the viewer/reader likes to hear back. It's how value is ultimately added beyond the initial content.

Some might be too busy working on the next video to reply. Time is short, I know and we all spend it how we see fit. It's just a missed opportunity that will pay off down the road if not now. You never know where making a connection is going to lead.

I always enjoy reading the comments, it's one of the best things about blogging!! Knowing if other people agree with me if they don't, if they have solutions, maybe a cool story or some funny commentary!

Youtube is so popular that they don't need to connect with their followers, there is not need, they can all get more then 1 million views without commenting or replying, i know some youtubers though, like jacksepticeye and pewdiepie that do videos answering to comments, or maybe watching the creations of their fans, that is what keeps me subed to them!

Like someone said in another comment here i think the problem is the way youtube monetizes stuff and dtube monetizes videos... on dtube you need big and small people to follow and upvote you, every little helps! on youtube they get paied for view, so there is no reason to reply to comments and communicate... they just need to pump out as many videos as they can to increase their viewer number...

Thanks for reading! Come back anytime!

People learn to adapt to the new platforms or they find something else to do. Those YouTubers expecting to just get rewarded here will need to bring with them a good chunk of their following with many of them regularly voting to get off the ground, and I don't know how frequently that's happening. The process of signing up takes longer than it does when you get a youtube account, and then there's not money in it for the viewer on YouTube, so many who do come in might want to try their hands at something, too, and might get wrapped up in their own work that they don't regularly upvote the YouTuber.

i don't think people will realize for quite some time that YouTube and Social Media 1.0/2.0 has hit or is near its zenith, and its all down hill from there. I don't know if DTube as currently constructed is the answer, though. There will be some major upgrades to the system before it becomes a YouTube slayer. But the move away from an advertising structure kind of payment method will give way to the attention or gift economy, and everyone, including YouTube will have to change in order to stay relevant.

The comments are good to go through—they can be entertaining, enlightening, informational, and totally berserk, all rolled into one. :)

No wonder you won the engagement league, with comments like this how could you not xD

Well, i have to agree with almost everything you said! First the adapting, it's either adapt or perish! The only part i'm not sure is the part about youtubers needing to bring their followers... i've seen some youtubers on dtube getting massive money without any of their followers coming to steem... The process of signing up needs to be rethinked in my opinion, we have way to many bot spamming accounts...

Social media is in it's last days, one of the new social networks will overthrone facebook if facebook doesn't evolve fast! We already have steem, mithril, ono is coming up, whaleshares is coming up, and dan says he is working on steemit 2.0 ((still waiting for something about this)... let's just wait and see what the future holds for social networks on the blockchain

It's possible some YouTubers already have some of their audience here, or they become popular with those who are here because their video content is tailor made for the Steemit community. I think we all need to look at who's voting for them. It only takes a couple big fish to act as influencers and a YouTuber can have success here.

Plus there's the bots and self voting and whatever other arrangement that could be made. There's a kid who is traveling around North and South Korea and other places that's doing well right now, after having done well on YouTube, but most of what he's showing as rewards are coming from bidbots.

I think competition off of STEEM will be good for the platform, as long as the apps on the platform are willing to update and adapt. If not, then we'll be looking for somewhere else to go. I'm of the mind that we have a very good blockchain that deserves a cutting edge social media app, not just clones, and poor imitations at that. If decentralization means we have to go back to the turn of this century for UI, then where is the progress? The blockchain is only going to be as good as transactions on it, and the people who use it. If that can be found elsewhere, it won't matter how good STEEM is.

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