steem, the invisible speakeasy that nobody cares about until they get inside! time for the factions to come together to unify on marketing intent.

in #dtube5 years ago

Not a rant, not a diss, not a moan, not newsteem, not any of that stuff just thoughts and ideas and a voice in the dark, in the mist just throwing out some thoughts about how pro-active we could be and are not, a structured format could come together if we could all park our egos at the door and just get wasted when we all got inside — let the cascade of ‘smarts’ and ‘identify’ of a unified marketing force work instead of just stacking steem to have a bigger whale than the next person.

Steem is a speakeasy, we have been in prohibition since the bear market started to come in hard. Of course I’m not talking about prohibition of alcoholic drinks but more in the fact that the majority of the world have been banned their rational thought process of what an online space to communicate might be — what does a centralised platform look like if it was evolved and distributed rather than just stuck under one url.

The end user does not care. It cares about going to the one url they can keep in their tiny minds and that the site loads and is festooned with cat pictures, smiley photos of family members they hate to see once a year around a Christmas dinner table and some politic that they need to have an in time response for — the fight for common sense and expansive world changing thinking is particularly light in the lands of the

Prohibition was a nationwide ban on the sale and import of alcoholic beverages that lasted from 1920 to 1933. Protestants, Progressives, and women all spearheaded the drive to institute Prohibition. Prohibition led directly to the rise of organized crime.

In a way, indirectly and probably because of the coverage of bitcoin and all it’s woes, up and down, hacks and cracks, criminals and hijinks on the high seas those that got burned, can’t maintain a level of security past the same password for every social media account they use — fact, they won’t end up here, why try and onboard the mass market when actually they will have a mostly detrimental effect to your precious cult of steem factions.

I see steem as that hidden gem in the high street of your favourite town and city, at that special place at a port or dock of a country on your arrival that looked like one thing selling artisan goods but once you got inside looked like some random ass family run business.

That is of course until you ‘ask’ for the thing and they stop what they are doing and direct you to the special handle, door, picture or stairwell — you have to be the one to ‘work’ it out’ and ‘push’ on through, you are the key master and you are merely shown what’s possible — ultimately it’s on you to walk through and take the risk to embrace the speakeasy.

Steem is the worlds best decentralised speakeasy that people just are confused to walk into because it looks like something else. Take for instance what I mean for a real world example — this is the boiler maker in nottingham — it looks like just any old shop, who sell boilers, if you were out for a night drinking in the city maybe you would walk past it, it sells something you don’t want right now — boilers.

looks pretty bland right? If your already five pints deep your probably not gonna give it a second look, it’s not inviting you to go and drink, it’s vanilla, it’s boilers, it’s windows XP, it’s not exciting or at this moment give me what I need, which is obviously more beer.

But, if you did decide to pop your head around the door and speak to the person on the front desk and ask for the ‘boiler maker’ you might then discover something that you never knew before — that actually this front was literally that, a facade to actually something much bigger, hidden from view because it requires more work from the participant. You need to be in the know, informed and be primed to ASK.

looks like they sell boilers right? Well guess what, they don’t sell fucking boilers here.

On my first visit to the boiler maker the man at the desk looked at me, grunted and pointed to the door to the right, I stepped through it, inside it was a bathroom, with red walls and a sink. Great I thought, the dude just directed me to the toilet — but I could hear music…quietly… muffled voices.

I noticed that the door had an edge so I pushed the sink and then the toilet was no longer a toilet and I was on my mission to drinking Narnia where drinks came steaming, inside of books and had a story behind why it existed — what was plain jane grey and excel spreadsheets just became immutable and sexy all in the blink of an eye.

But it was me that had to explore, push the door, step into the bosom of the abundance. Sure, I could go to a bar that advertised what it was but instead I was invited to be confident to try, to step over the threshold of a space that was inside of a space — it required my confidence to go in, to ask, to allow myself to be guidance on limited knowledge.

Maybe our media output needs to instil more life skills and confidence, maybe we are missing out on providing the initial push over the digital turf?

Just a thought. .. ;)

ps… it looks like this inside.

Peace and Love,
__humble_me_along xx

▶️ DTube

nice comparison. I like what you did there! I just wish the steem speakeasy really was on my high street....

just a speakeasy period would be hella neat ;)

Highly rEsteemed!

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