Sunday Slowdown: An apathetic view

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Life is pretty fast paced these days isn't it? We barely have the time and space to look after ourselves let alone anything else which means, so much gets left undone or worse, up to others. I say worse because in many cases, the things that get left up to others are the things that have a massive amount of affect on our lives, the kinds of things we leave up to governments and bureaucrats.

Our ability to influence our world is also hampered by the massive influx of information that flows in, most of it irrelevant to our lives in any way whatsoever. But, despite the irrelevancy, we still feel its effects and when there are so many problems we apparently face of sizes we cannot easily effect, it is easy for apathy to set in and hand off action to those we pay to handle them with our tax money.

With all of our activity and an attention hungry media, corporation and consumer, how much time can we actually spend investing in what we perhaps should be investing in? Skills, knowledge, each other?

The other day I wrote a little piece on advertising at Steemit and how I am against it but, let me ask you, how much of the crap in your possession promised to make your life easier, save you time, improve your condition, provide opportunity? Where is it right at this moment? Did you buy it because of an advert in some form or another that promised to solve a problem quickly, efficiently and cheaper than the competitor? Not your competitor, theirs?

The super slow video above is filmed on my phone and is a feature most phones have these days. If you think about it for just a moment, how incredible is the technology involved? The next question is, in the hands of Leonardo Da Vinci 500 years ago, what would he have been able to discover with such a tool?

We have such amazing technology at our fingertips, the kinds of things that those of the past couldn't even imagine, yet, what do we use it for? We don't even have the time to learn how it all works as we have too many other necessities pulling at our attention. Best play a game instead.

For me, my writing is my super slow feature, not just because of my typing speed but it gives me the time in space to think things through, turn them over again and again to see how they work and more importantly, how they impact on me and the world in which I live. Your world too. This exploration is of personal value to me but, I put it out into the ether in case it adds value in some way to others also.

I often find myself turning over thoughts I have turned before but with each instance, I see a new perspective, one that has been provided by my experiences since the last consideration or driven by discussions about what I have written.

This is an issue with the continual influx of shite from the media, it fills the space with such wide-ranging nonsense, we do not have the time to consider it deeply several times before the next barrage hits. Do you think this is accidental?

By burying minds under a mountain of information where the relevant is sparsely sprinkled and then mixed into the irrelevant diarrhoea they call newsworthy, it makes the majority of us impotent in our willingness to act at any level. Instead, we will find ways to turn away from what may be important and affect us to some other nonsense that has been sold to us and numbs us. Best leave the real stuff up to others.

I am not an overly trusting person when it comes to government, corporate or organisation intentions. It may sound conspiracy theorist but it is more from experience than anything else. How often can promises be misplaced before trust is lost? How often can important discussions be hijacked, commandeered or flooded by some engaging topic that draws focus away from what is important onto something decidedly less so? Perhaps it is just coincidence.

What I wonder is, how many of us are not investing into the things that will actually help us experience a better life but instead, the ideas spend our attention energy on what has been sold to us?

A two pronged fork: Make the problems so vast and numerous we feel we can do nothing but leave it up to others, sell us ways that take our mind off the problems. This is a win/win. Just, not for us.

[ a Steemit and DTube original ]

▶️ DTube

How to following the criteria, here all has been mention, like agood blogging system, i like most of this @tarazkp

Modern (Wo)Man Malady.

I consciously opted out of 'The System' in 1989 and although I do, at times, have to integrate I refuse all influences which try to control me.

I do not watch the news or read the paper ~ the daily indoctrination. I work for myself and have done for 29 years. I am the world's worst consumer.

Those in control intend to keep us so busy that we do no have time to see the lies, deception and manipulation which spreads hate, fear and the idea of scarcity which enables them to control us.

I believe that the best that any thinking person can do is think regularly, as you obviously actively do, identify and weed out inherited and self limiting beliefs and strive to remain in the vibration of happiness.

Another great post.



A great post, thank you for sharing! Thats what we are dealing with now a days. The time is passing very quickly and whatever we meant to do, we are not doing.

I especially enjoyed the video. The next Leonardo will likely be one of our children or grandchildren. They were born into this tech oriented world!

I really hope to have a chance to see what they are able to do with what we failed to.

You are so spot on. Every day, I have a list of things that I supposedly plan to do the day before. I find I never do what I plan to do. It's frustrating to say the least but that's the way life is nowadays I guess. Thanks

Brilliant observations! Many of us would rather not think of the important and crucial stuff, especially when it's complicated. It's much easier to keep distracted and supposedly entertained with the countless mindless distractions we are bombarded with. A win-win indeed...

And the video you shot on your phone was actually mesmerizing, just what I needed on this tired Sunday evening... Thanks for the reminder to slow down a bit!

Many of us would rather not think of the important and crucial stuff, especially when it's complicated.

This is why I didn't buy bitcoin. in 2011.

We are, most of us, hooked on the consumerist console, sucking in crap like the undulating bodies and tubes in your sci-fi story. We, all of us, have learnt to turn our eyes away from big issues like global warming or plastic choking sea life, to issues like the price of fuel or if a reality show star should have implants or not.
The corporate hyenas feed off this mentality and the best way to keep an addict hooked, as they have come to discover, is to up the dosage.
Everybody wants to be distracted from their problems, so the media, the news media especially, that was supposed to warn us of reefs and rocks ahead, have become reality show hosts; hosting news shows garnished with enough saccharin to kill a diabetic in one dose.
What can we make of all of this? We can barely keep up with technology, we barely talk to our family and friends, we are falling sick from strange ailments and rain fell yesterday.
We have to find a way back to ourselves, away from our drugs of choice. We have to find rehabilitation or the future will hold us responsible for a burning earth.

I am not an overly trusting person when it comes to government, corporate or organisation intentions. It may sound conspiracy theorist but it is more from experience than anything else.

So many are self-serving, whether government official, corporation, or individual.. the intention may start off pure, but by the time all is said and done, the capitalist in everyone comes out and best intentions are left behind.

Does it ever not happen though? Perhaps if one person can buck the trend, there is hope for others.

Sure it happens where people are good, but it's that there are so many more where people are still serving that it mutes out the good people.

So much love to share,.. and Yes,... with the one who appriciate it everytime

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