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RE: Be Careful what you ask for!!!!

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

First let me say that I feel for you and in many respects can relate to the struggles of being new. Also...I'm sorry that you saw the hurtful comments.

However...I do think that you misunderstand a couple crucial things:

  • Not only are we challenged with finding what content we want to create...we also have to find a good fit into one of more communities. I think you might be surprised with how many there are to try out. While comments and conversations on posts are always important and useful...a community is where you're going to find a lot of the support and camaraderie I think you're looking for.
  • DTube is a project and in all reality can choose how to vote just like any other user here on Steemit. Even if we don't like the curating methods...that's not really our call. But there are tons of people people voting, curating....some with higher SP...focus on finding them.

In the end...the goal is to find the combination of you want to create and something that people are consuming. You definitely don't have stop posting on Dtube to not be concerned with their votes.

A few last things I do have to at least mention:

  • They were saying this believing they were behind closed doors. I'm not condoning it...but I do view this a little differently than them attacking outside their 'private' room.
  • You asked

In closing...I can't say I'm happy to hear this sort of conversation if happening within the curation room. But in the end...we just have to find a 'way for you to succeed' without them.

If you want, drop me a message in (@sykochica) or on discord (sykochica#9521). I can at least help you find some communities you might like.

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