DTube: When Dan Larimer And Ned Scott Upvoted My Content - Revealing One Of My Biggest Steemit Secrets

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

One of the best ways to lit the fire inside your audience is to talk about the things they like. - @surfermarly

While most people believe that it's important to talk about their own fields of interest, I don't think that this is the best strategy to get started on Steemit.

At least it wasn't my strategy.

There was one event that probably proved me right: there was a point of time when both Dan Larimer and Ned Scott started to upvote some of my articles. I felt that this was kind of an accolade in the beginnings of my Steemit career.

Today I'd like to reveal the blogging strategy I had in my earlier days on Steemit: Just click on the image above to watch the vlog on Dtube. If you can't open it on Dtube, here's the YouTube version:

Now here's the famous I mentioned in my video - the one that @dan and @ned upvoted a bit more than a year ago:

Ego vs. Ego-Strength: TIL why a 'healthy ego' is essential to our success and happiness.

It was published on the 27th of December 2016 when the TIL-tag (TIL = Today I learned) was very popular among steemians. I loved writing blog posts in the TIL-section, which was loaded of knowledge and interesting stories. Once people discovered that this tag was well paid, everybody started to use it for whatever piece of content - and it's primary intention (to spread knowledge) got somehow lost.

Maybe that little sidekick perfectly shows how the dynamic in this eco-system works. Whenever a certain field of interest becomes lucrative, people start to invade and exploid it in an unhealthy way. Then the segment starts losing its attraction and the rewards begin to decrease.

For the majority of people it really seems to be challenging to not go crazy on the money and rather pretend to grow their blogs in a smooth and healthy way instead.


Constant dripping wears away the stone.

Best, Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: Don't forget that this is a troll-free zone.

Original content.


It pains me i cannot watch this at the moment
The cost of data in this part of the world is crazy
You won't believe it, i just understood the meaning of your Logo
"A surfer on the waves of steemit"

In a nutshell. Focus on your audience and serving them. Write about their interests. Make sure to keep YOUR style and not exploit a topic. Find the overlap of what you like and what your audience likes. That's it. BTW... @dan and @ned are the founders of Steemit. The video explained that ^.^

Thanks for the transcription!! :-) Too kind!

By the way. I appreciate your video. Thanks!

Thank you! :-)

Thanks bro!
It is noted!

awww! I totally get excitement when someone you respect upvotes a post! :) Thanks for the share, story and tips! Also, I'm glad you ended up blogging about surfing, really inspirational! Happy New Years

Thanks for stopping by and happy New Year, Karen!!! Hope you're doing great :-)

May I say that was a smart move by Ned and Dan! They an example that could and made their format grow like never before! A win-win situation!
Keep up the surf! Or something like that.😎

Oh I hope it was a win for them, too! :-)
Thanks for your wishes, hope you're doing well?!

Of course it was, it brought me here and about 200000 others...

With patience and dedication you can achieve everything you only need a work plan

I fully agree!

@surfermarly, when we spoke at steemfest, I found your view on life to be both refreshing and inspiring.

@ned also voted on my introduction post, and I think that's how I got hooked on STEEMIT, it immediately proved to me that this eco-system can work!

Congrats! I gave you an upvote too.....

Very good advice. You do a great job of keeping it interesting and at the same time keeping it light and fun. I think they used to call this "you've got style" back in the day. :)

Toll, dass ich auch mal von DTube erfahre. Ich komme wohl vom hinterm Mond. Das ganze halbe Jahr ist sowas an mir vorbei gezogen durch unsere Umstände. Tja. Danke für deine hilfreichen Tipps!
Steem on and stay steemed!
Love, Unity & Abundance

Freut mich, dass ich Dich hiermit inspirieren konnte :-)
Dtube gibt's ja auch noch gar nicht sooooo lange.
Steem on!

Hab gleich mal mein erstes Video auf DTube hochgeladen Laber nicht rum, mach's einfach! - Don't blabber, do it baby! [German]! Immer wenn ich auf DTube was reinstelle werde ich an dich denken! Kann ich den Text denn im nach hinein noch auf Steemit editieren?

There's only one "you," that unique individual that has certain thoughts and beliefs and expresses them as only you can. With belief in yourself and consistency success is waiting for you. Thanks for another great insight!

Great advice........... "give them what they want!" The Romans did it with the arena's right? I think both Dan and Ned up-voting your post was probably one of the biggest compliments and an over all huge achievement for anyone to attain. I might be there one day? I suppose I'll really have to do my homework and beyond all else start posting more! I hope you're having a wonderful day my friend!

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