Dtube: Surfergirl's Pumpin' Into The Weekend - Are Ya Ready?!

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results." - Anthony Robins

To witness my today's energy level and watch my new surf video, just click on the above picture or HERE.

Happy energetic weekend, steemians! :-)

Marly -

PS: If you can't display the HD video on Dtube, here's the low res YouTube version:

▶️ DTube

Happy weekend to you too, @surfermarly! Great video, the video equivalent of 10 Red Bulls :)

Haha, not sure if I ever had 10 Red Bull in one day :-D
Maybe 3 would be enough to make you flyyy...

Happy weekend!

The fun and freedom its so nice to see you enjoy sweet.
Happy new year.

Please don't spam around! Your reputations is already at 13, do you wanna go down to zero?!


Thank you, sweetie!!
Hope you're doing great :-)

Happy New Crazy Steem Year! Ich bin schon ganz schwindelig. Keep surfing those waves and stay on top of the world

Ja unglaublich wie das Jahr los ging! :-)
Mir ist auch schwindelig, haha

Thanks for sharing the energy with us!

Have a great weekend @surfermarly!

Thank YOU for stopping by!
Have a wonderful weekend, too :-)

that's what I'm sayin!

This video gave me some adrenaline rush. You are indeed the "Iron Lady Of Steemit".

Haha, the iron lady :-D

hope to your follow

Very cool :)

Lots of time on your feet today I see, and some interesting dismounts!

The water rolling around the camera at 1:15 is coooool.

Have a great weekend under the blue skies, it's lovely here too!

The camera

Thank you, Ash!!

Lots of time on your feet today I see, and some interesting dismounts!

The conditions were simply perfect: no winds, rising tide, 3 feet breaking more or less smoothly to both sides. In fact I was in Heaven! Haha

Have a great weekend!!

i can't remember had i ever seen such post ..........amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

:-) Sweet! Thank you.

you are most welcome

kool tune! I was lovin' all those lil' cars? Beautiful scenery too! You're right energy is one of the most important factors we as humans can have daily in our lives. An old injury from my past led me to explore this a couple years back leading me to a more fruit diet. Mainly red skinned grapes and melons. Now although IMO this is what everyone should be consuming it's not as easy as it sounds in the beginning but I can tell you that if practiced while letting go of more "acidic" causing foods within our bodies ie meats and dairy one becomes extremely limber and their energy levels explodes! There are many more benefits to this but it would be a post all to itself...... enjoyed!

Does fruit diet mean that you can only eat fruits?
My personal energy level is at 100% when I sleep well (9-10 hours of deep sleep). Then I could probably conquer the whole world in one day, haha!

Happy healthy weekend my friend!

I don't only eat fruit but about 70% of my diet is fruit. I eat loads of veggies raw and cooked but raw being better. I cook in coconut oil using sea salt, pepper and turmeric and I eat lots of egg and honeys. The only bread I eat is ezekiel which is live and has to be kept in the freezer. I maintain this diet full time now being over a year and a half in on it but when I started I'd do 6 on and the 7th being a cheat day to eat whatever I wanted. I'mas limber as a rubber band now with no health issues and am down about 55LBS. It is truly the fountain of youth. There are no truer words than "you are what you eat."

Wow, that sounds amazing! 70% fruits is massive.
I start the day with fruits, but then need carbs when I go surfing. Otherwise I wouldn't have any chance to get up on that board :-)

I gotta tell ya the fruits are what give me the energy. When I eat fruits I'm jumpin out of my skin with energy and I feel light as a feather. Most Doctors and people for that matter will say that fruits contain way to much sugar but what we have been taught and what they think they know is wrong. Fructose is the ultimate fuel for the human body. This is what it needs to run at its best. If you were to extract an equal amount of fruit sugars (fructose) and place t in a bowl next to a bowl of store bought bagged sugar it would not be the same thing but this is what we are taught or how most perceive it to be. Take diabetes two for instance. A person with this disease that is totally curable through diet can't eat the store bought bagged sugar cause that's what put him in this dis-eased state(ie the SAD diet) but if that same person were to eat only fruits mainly red skinned grapes and water melon for a month I'd be willing to bet the diabetes would be gone or well on its way out. You may ask yourself can a person do that and the answer is absolutely. It's the same misconception with protein. Everyone I know will argue till they're blue in the face that we as humans cannot survive without eating meat? Their argument is we need meat cause it gives us protein? The truth is the human body doesn't need proteins at all but it does need "amino acids" that are found in animal proteins. Now in the veggie world amino acids are overly abundant in leafy greens . Fruits and berries are also loaded with them. The worst thing about eating meats is they are extremely acidic for the human body causing inflammation leading to all labeled diseases. What do I know though, I'm no doctor and give no advice only my own experiences and what I've learned to be true for me. I can tell you though that in the beginning this is no easy task but as time goes on you will notice a huge difference becoming younger in appearance and most def. how you feel.


Fruit diets do make us feel younger for sure.

It looks like Famara beach in Lanzarote!

Yip, that's my local surf spot.

Anthony Robins quot touched my heart and nice view!!

I'm glad it did :-) Thanks for the compliment!!

hope to your follow

hey, that is cool dtube video, i didn't see like that before..

Thanks for the flowers!! I'm glad you enjoyed the little energy boost :-)

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