Compassionate Communication is Key to Building Anarchy

in #dtube7 years ago

I wish more anarchists realized the potential of compassion for propelling society into more freedom. Currently, anarchists rely on the dogmatism of arguments and the flare of buzzwords.

However, if anarchists embrace relational connections, they can actively participate in the molding of a new social order. Haranguing people for not accepting our shared philosophy will only incite backlash and hatred, not acceptance and trust in liberty.

Anarchists should help others feel a sense of what Aristotle called Eudaimonia, which loosely translates as human flourishing. This flourishing is created when wellness and happiness are internalized. The problem is many anarchists have maintained that being hostile, belligerent, and unapproachable will garner the appropriate response. This is wrongheaded, though.

It is the deployment of compassion that invokes Eudaimonia, and it is this sense of inner well-being that allows the spontaneous beauty of anarchism to spillover from the will into reality.

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"If we really believe this idea that non-violence is going to be ubiquitous in the sense that there will be no governments, we have to be able to act that out right now in our own communications, our own relationship, our own beingness our own deep sense of self." - @sterlinluxan

Hay sterlin it's stxs hit me back up here I love your work it was a blast hanging out with you in Mexico looking forward to seeing your work here
Let anarchy rain 🍵🏴🏴🏴

I agree with this general idea.

Communication for a purpose - in this case the 'human flourishing' you mention is a worthy goal and direction in a world running on crazy and greedy for many.

The world we have is the world we have created and we still have very real choices about the directions we could go in- some, as can be seen from contemporary politics, are not so good.

The manner of communication is also so important and I think you are correct to emphasise 'compassion'. I would add that compassionate ommunication starts from compassionate living and thinking for the individual, rather than being a mask to wear when it's time to do business.

I would also suggest the method of non violent communication as being a fruitful resource.

I agree, arguing and proselytizing doesn't get far and it's not really something thats works in the long run. The only way people will change is if their minds are fitted toward it.

Eudaemonia/the humane life should be actively participated in. And it takes living each day through your actions to achieve this.

Along with Aristotle, Epicurus also believed in human flourishing which for him was like you say internalizing pleasure(happiness). For him Ataraxia, being the state of freedom from distress and worry was what a life of Eudaemonia brought.

I think what you're talking about is a big issue in any alternative movement - people become defensive of their beliefs because they fear judgement and misunderstanding, and that just further fuels negative stigmas - so I'm glad you're putting this message out there - regardless of what the belief is, it's still more valuable to be open and compassionate rather than hostile and stand-offish.

"people become defensive of their beliefs "
You talking about MY beliefs??
Up yours, buddy.

I ain't your buddy, friend!

Yes dude!! hahaha!

When we become so stubborn that we say THIS IS the ONLY solution to our problem, it's this time that we go off-course! Just like capitalism and every other ideology claiming they're right! No anarchy is not the solution by itself.

the communication is the source of network of information,where in you can extract data on it..
the communication depends on the person to handle on the said issue and interprets the messages.
in order to have good communication person must learn to listen well and learn to understand more deeper,

just like enigma the mechanic encryption of messages..the power of communication is the very best tool on aspect of human kind.

communication needs more responds on how the message relay on the 2nd person who receives it,..just like you making a call on emergency order for the operator to handle it with calm mindset of accuracy, listening the message in order to respond correctly procedure based on the events.

Compassionate Communication is Key to Building Anarchy

i super agree with you.. @sterlinluxan

Most people won't buy into whatever Anarchy because Uncommon Sense tells them no-one will ever reinvent, revoke or otherwise cancel out human nature....

Thus, for the sake of argument, let's assume Anarchic Utopia were to take hold, (as it usually does during war, for example); roving gangs of ne'er-do-wells and thugs will always take what they want by force.

It's a pipe dream, bro.

You're better off getting Religion and hoping for something better....

As the song goes:

You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know

I really hope that one day, everybody will be able of compassion and fair arbitrary without any gouvernement, the reality is a different story ...
The whole humanity will never work as Bitcoin work ^^

How can society accept this belief when the majority of people are so programmed that they make their decisions based on emotion rather then logic. 'Government' mind control is one thing, but decentralization of power is quite another. I must agree with teamsteem on this one. Lets work on ourselves first and the rest will fall into place.