Playing With Voices !

in #dtube5 years ago

Hey Steemians ! This piece was written for sort of a competition which was Christmas-y in nature , so i thought why not give it a go with acapella . I've always been mesmerized by the sound of stacked voices forming beautiful , thick chords , and this was sadly the only song i've ever made in that style . It is a lot work really , and although i have a couple of songs written for that style i can't seem to force myself to record it :D Need to change that soon ... The lyrics are miles away from what i would normally write , as they were written for the festive occasion . Christmas and depressive lyrics don't really go well together i guess ... :D Oh and i was super disappointed cause i didn't win anything in the competition lol It was all just guys shredding their guitars to the point where it became a bit boring tbh , so i thought i could snatch the price by being original . Wishful thinking :D Anyways , hope you'll enjoy this little tune :) Cheers !

▶️ DTube

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Sounds good. Would you like to join us at Open Mic?

I sure will , thanks for the invite :)

Сам свој хор! Одлично урађено, @stavrin :)

Hvala lepo @lighteye :) Drago mi je da ti se svidelo :)

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